Manuscript Collection
Mary Jewell Skinner Tindall Collection - Accession 1374 - M684 (740)
Mary Jewell Skinner Tindall and Winthrop College
Accession 1374 - M684 (740)The Mary Jewell Skinner Tindall Collection consists of materials collected by Mary Jewell Skinner Tindall (Class of 1948) related to her student days while at Winthrop College and offer a great snapshot of the life of a Winthrop student during the mid to late 1940s. The collection consists of programs related to Winthrop including; two Henry Radcliffe Sims inauguration programs (1945); a Junior Recital (1947); Senior Week activities (1948); Winthrop College Alumnae Association Inauguration (1948); May Day Pageant (1948); Junior Class Follies program titled “Home Was Never Like This” (1948); Commencement (1949); and a published play titled, All Night Service: A Comedy for Women in One Act by Bernard Merivale published by The Baker International Play Bureau in Boston, MA in 1935.
Marguerite Tolbert Papers - Accession 184
Emmie Marguerite Tolbert
Accession 184Marguerite Tolbert was a Winthrop alumna (Class of 1914), club woman, educator, Winthrop Board of Trustee member, and administrator with the Opportunity School in Columbia, South Carolina. The Marguerite Tolbert Papers consist of biographical data, newspaper and magazine articles, photographs, a copy of her thesis titled, A Survey of Negro Elementary Schools of Oconee County (1940), a scrapbook, and other papers, mainly relating to her career as an educator and to her student days at Winthrop (1911-1914).
Marguerite Tolbert Papers - Accession 203
Emmie Marguerite Tolbert
Accession 203Marguerite Tolbert (1893-1982) was a Winthrop alumna (class of 1914), club woman, and administrator with the Opportunity School in Columbia, South Carolina. The Marguerite Tolbert Papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, galley proofs, biographical sketches, newspaper clippings, and other records relating to the publication of the book, South Carolina’s Distinguished Women of Laurens County. Miss Tolbert served as coordinator for the book project. Also included is an unpublished manuscript written by Clara Yarborough concerning the terms of office of seven former South Carolina governors. Miss Yarborough served as secretary under these governors.
Marguerite Tolbert Papers - Accession 456
Emmie Marguerite Tolbert
Accession 456Emmie Marguerite Tolbert (1893-1982) was a Winthrop alumna (class of 1914), club woman, and administrator with the Opportunity School in Columbia, South Carolina. The collection contains papers relating to Miss Marguerite Tolbert and her many activities and awards. Included in the Tolbert papers are correspondence, newspaper articles, program bulletins, invitations to various meetings and functions, minutes, citations, photographs, a scrapbook, slides, a framed letter from Miss Tolbert’s tenth grade teacher, and the Mary Mildred Sullivan Award.
John & Mary Hare Torbit Genealogical Chart - Accession 858 - M382 (433)
Torbit Family
Accession 858 - M382 (433)The John and Mary Hare Torbit Genealogical Chart consists of a 16 ¾” x 77” genealogy chart containing the descendants of John and Mary Hare Torbit of Chester County, South Carolina. Names include White, Henry, Patrick, Miller and Simpson. This information was compiled by Dr. John Hamilton Miller (1920-2018) of Bartow, Florida.
“Francis Peyre Porcher, M.D., 1824-1895” - Accession 1318 - M655 (709)
John Ferrars Townsend and Francis Peyre Porcher
Accession 1318 - M655 (709)This collection consists of John F. Townsend’s article “Francis Peyre Porcher, M.D. (1824-1895)” which was reprinted from Annals of Medical History, Third Series, Volume 1, March 1939, pages 177-188. Copyright, 1939, by Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. This article was donated and autographed by the author Dr. John Ferrars Townsend (1880-1962) and is a biography about Frances Peyre Porcher who was a slaveholder and supporter of Succession who volunteered as a surgeon for the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. The book covers Porcher’s personal life and his achievements.
Walker Family of Chester County Genealogical Research Collection - Accession 1595 - M780 (837)
Margaret Shuman Treece, Walker Family, and Cornwell Family
Accession 1595 - M780 (837)This collection consists mainly of genealogical research conducted by Margaret Shuman “Peggy” Treece of the Walker Family of Chester County, SC from 1750-1925. Peggy Treece was aided in her research by William Edward Gregory, Jr., Virginia Westbrook Turner, and Ellouise James Hall. There are multiple references to the Cornwells. Two of Col. William Walker’s daughters married Cornwell’s. Also included are references to the Kennedys. They are likely connected to the early Walkers or McCulloughs and one of the Walkers married Allen (Alan) Kennedy. Fourth File includes miscellaneous information regarding the Walker family, which is not in any special order or time frame.
Trillium Garden Club of Rock Hill Records- Accession 1675
Trillium Garden Club and Garden Club of Rock Hill, Trillium
Accession 1675This collection consists of the records produced by the Trillium Garden Club and consists of the constitution and bylaws, meeting minutes, scrapbooks, yearbooks, correspondence, and other records. The Trillium Garden Club was organized in Rock Hill, SC in 1954 as an “incentive for members to continue to be informed on matters pertaining to gardening; to take part in civic projects related to gardening; and for the pleasure derived from the social relations of its members.” This collection can offer prospective researchers a glimpse of the social dynamic of Rock Hillians during the span of this collection and the evolution of gardening processes used by the club’s members.
Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State of South Carolina, 1844 - Accession 1320 - M657 (711)
Michael Tuomey
Accession 1320 - M657 (711)The collection consists of a publication titled Report On The Geological And Agricultural Survey Of The State of South Carolina by M. (Michael) Toumey, Geological Surveyor of the State (SC) published in Columbia, SC by A. S. Johnston in 1844. M. Toumey (1805-1857) as State surveyor spent the year of 1843 travelling and surveying the state of South Carolina to offer a more comprehensive view of the geology and agriculture of South Carolina. Toumey was the State Geological Surveyor from 1843-1846. Also included in this publication is a section titled, “Supplemental Report of the Agricultural Survey for 1843: Secondary and Miocene Marls on and Near Lynch’s Creek, in Darlington, Sumter, Williamsburgh, and Marion Districts” by Edmund Ruffin (1794-1865).
Frances Mikell Tupper Papers - Accession 1452
Frances Mikell Tupper
Accession 1452Frances Mikell Tupper (1924 –) attended Winthrop College from 1941 through 1945. She served as treasurer of her sophomore class and was, on occasion, invited to the President’s House (for tea). Questionnaires and other papers indicate that she coordinated class reunion events decades later, as recently as 2012. She currently lives in West Columbia, South Carolina. The contents of this collection include such items as newspaper clippings, materials from Winthrop College (official standards and policies, programs, brochures, and stubs), alumnae papers, senior chapel materials, church-related materials (including those pertaining to church music), Winthrop booklets, the Wilson Bulletin for Librarians, a classmate photograph, a Dixie Tournament sash and ribbon, hotel envelops and a folder divider.
Roscoe Turner Collection - Accession 1000 - M441 (492)
Roscoe Turner
Accession 1000 - M441 (492)The Roscoe Turner Collection consists of information concerning famous aviator Lt. Roscoe Turner 1895-1970), a World War I veteran, and his partner Lt. Harry J. Runser (1890-1981) as they barnstormed through South Carolina, including Rock Hill, in 1921. Turner and Runser were stunt pilots in the 1920s and 1930s. Roscoe Turner was known for his flamboyant style who won three Thompson Trophies. They arrived in South Carolina in 1921 to make their headquarters. The Roscoe Turner Collection consists of photocopies of newspaper articles, correspondence, and notes concerning the pairs lives, careers, and appearances including Rock Hill, SC.
Frank Bryan Tutwiler Papers - Accession 252
Frank Bryan Tutwiler
Accession 252Frank Bryan Tutwiler (1924-1979) was a Professor of Chemistry at Winthrop from 1955 to 1979. The Frank Bryan Tutwiler Papers consists of laboratory notebooks, lecture notes, and research materials relating to Tutwiler’s student days at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and George Washington University; along with correspondence, reprints of journal articles, lecture notes, tests, class enrollment records, and papers relating to his teaching and research.
Dave Lyle Boulevard Extension Report - Accession 1620 - M790 (847)
Laura Dawson Ullrich; Lucy Gallo; Dave Lyle Boulevard; and Rock Hill, SC
Accession 1620 M790 (847)This collection consists of the June 10, 2015 report titled, Economic Impact of the Dave Lyle Boulevard Extension York and Lancaster Counties, South Carolina. The report was written and prepared by Winthrop professor, Dr. Laura Dawson Ullrich and Winthrop University Visiting Scholar, Lucy Gallo, Managing Principal, Development Planning and Financing Group (DPFG), Inc. The report discusses the benefits of the Dave Lyle Boulevard Extension in Rock Hill, SC and how the “expansion of the trade area (the area in which consumers do business within a 20-minute driving time) directly impacts (1) the retail sales potential, and therefore (2) sales tax revenue, and (3) employers’ access to a greater workforce within a 20 minute commute”
Dr. Ullrich is the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs/Professor of Economics at Winthrop. Lucy Gallo is the lead fiscal and economic impact consultant for large-scale development and redevelopment projects for the southeast and mid-Atlantic regions for DPFG.
United Daughters of the Confederacy Abbeville Chapter Pamphlet - Accession 140 - M67 (82)
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Abbeville
Accession 140 - M67 (82)This collection consists of a pamphlet written by Mrs. Ella Cox Cromer, member of the Abbeville Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC). Its full title is “Secession Hill: Its Purchase as a Site for a Memorial Building Urged by Duaghters (sic) of the Confederacy”. It is a sketch of a famous spot in Abbeville where a secession movement in 1860 was publicly advocated.
United Daughters of the Confederacy-Ann White Chapter Yearbook - Accession 755 - M351 (402)
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Ann White
Accession 755 - M351 (402)The United Daughters of the Confederacy-Ann White Chapter Yearbook consists of the 1989-1990 yearbook for the Ann White Chapter #123 of the United Daughters of Confederacy based in Rock Hill, SC. The Ann White Chapter was organized in 1897 professing that "the object of this organization shall be historical, educational, benevolent, memorial, and patriotic."
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Minnie Davis Chapter Minutes - Accession 125 - M53 (68)
United Daughters of the Confederacy, Minnie Davis Chapter
Accession 125 - M53 (68)The United Daughters of the Confederacy, Minnie Davis Chapter Minutes consist of the minutes of the meetings of the Minnie Davis Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy 1950-1954. The chapter, located in York, South Carolina, is no longer in existence.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, S.D. Barron Chapter Records - Accession 1676
United Daughters of the Confederacy, S. D. Barron Chapter and Children of the Confederacy, Iredell Jones Chapter
Accession 1676This collection consists of the membership applications and petitions for the S. D. Barron Chapter (234) of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Also included are applications and petitions for the Iredell Jones Chapter (85) of the Children of the Confederacy which is an Auxiliary of the S. D. Barron Chapter. Most of the collection consists of applications or proofs that the applicants are descended from Confederate soldiers. The Daughters also recommended soldiers who fought in the Second World War be given awards, and some “memorandums of facts” arguing their worthiness are also found within. Those interested in the United Daughters of the Confederacy may be interested, especially those interested in these particular chapters, or anyone interested in Confederate heritage in the Rock Hill area. Of particular interest will be the applications for admittance which requires genealogical proof of lineage from the applicant to the Civil War ancestor. Anyone doing genealogy research of York County, SC families with Confederate connections would find this collection extremely helpful.
United Daughters of the Confederacy, South Carolina Division Records - Accession 377
United Daughters of the Confederacy, South Carolina
Accession 377This collection consists of the minutes from eleven annual conventions of the South Carolina Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy and of four national annual conventions, and are separated accordingly. The United Daughters of the Confederacy South Carolina Division was organized in the Senate Chamber of the State House in Columbia, SC on May 28, 1896. The organization is a “Southern preservation heritage organization made up of the direct and collateral female descendants of the soldiers, sailors, and statesmen of the Confederate States of America (1861-1865) or those whom gave Material Aid to the Cause.”[1]
[1] South Carolina Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy® webpage https://www.scudc.org/
Belair United Methodist Church Records - Accession 345 - M136 (172)
United Methodist Church, Belair
Accession 345 - M136 (172)Belair United Methodist Church is located in the Indian Land community of Lancaster County, South Carolina, one-half mile east of highway 521. It was founded by the Reverend Adam Ivy and was initially called “Mount Arrarat”. The Belair United Methodist Church Records consist of a history, notes, lists of pastors, a land plat, newspaper clippings, minutes, church rolls (1892-1947), and marital and baptismal registers.
University of Maryland Memorabilia - Accession 1232
University of Maryland at Baltimore
Accession 1232This University of Maryland Memorabilia collection includes a 1914 yearbook titled, Terra Mariae from the University of Maryland at Baltimore. There is a handwritten note on the first page, "Daddy - Freshman - p. 202-203". This collection also includes a Christmas greeting card with an illustration of Mackenzie Hall and a signature in the right hand bottom corner by Sara Lee. The origin or provenance of this collection is entirely unknown.
Up-to-Date Club Records - Accession 1171
Up-to-Date Club and Book Club of Chester, Up-to-Date Club
Accession 1171The Up-To-Date Club began in Chester County, South Carolina, in 1897 as an organization of married women meeting monthly to discuss books and topics of current interest. The materials in this collection include the Club’s journals of meeting minutes, newspaper clippings dating to the early 1900s, yearbooks, program notes, parliamentary procedure manuals, limited correspondence, various items of memorabilia, and early copies of The Keystone, a publication of the S.C. Federation of Women’s Clubs.
Charles Brooks Vail Journal Excerpts- Accession 1511 - M741 (798)
Charles Brooks Vail
Accession 1511 - M741 (798)The Charles Brooks Vail Journal Excerpts Collection consists of excerpts from Dr. Charles Brooks Vail’s journal kept at Winthrop while Dr. Vail served as president 1973-1982. Dr. Vail copied the entries from his journal and annotated them as a reminiscence and record of his time at Winthrop. This reminiscence titled , "Reflections On My Years As President of Winthrop College" is an invaluable resource to any researcher studying Winthrop in the 1970s and 1980s and especially Winthrop College's efforts to become fully Coeducational.
F.W. Zile Easter Tour At Mt. Vernon Photograph - Accession 1263 - M615 (668)
F. W. Van Zile
Accession 1263 - M615 (668)This collection consists of a photograph of The F.W. Van Zile Easter Tour taken in front of Mt. Vernon. F.W. Van Zile was a travel company based in Rochester, NY founded in 1911 to coordinate group trips to various locations. There is large group of unidentified persons in the photograph and the origin is unknown.
Louvain Vaughan Papers - Accession 1024 - M450 (501)
Louvain Vaughan
Accession 1024 - M450 (501)The Louvain Vaughan Papers consists of various Literary Society Celebration programs, Commencement programs, two 4th of July Celebration programs from 1914, State Teachers’ Association meeting program from 1914, an inspection list of the buildings of Winthrop Normal and Industrial College from 1914, a Winthrop University reunion program from 1914, a program of “The Miracle of the Roses” play acted out in 1907, and a program of a sermon given by Rev. Richard Wilkinson from 1914. Louvain Vaughan (1886-1961) graduated from Winthrop College in 1908 with Bachelor’s Degree in Normal Kindergarten. She became a teacher and principal at Fairforest Grammar School in Fairforest, SC
Rosa Cornelia Veal Papers - Accession 1766
Rosa Cornelia Veal
Accession 1766This collection includes classroom, teaching and personal materials from Mrs. Rosa Veal’s time as an educator. The teaching materials, school manuals, and workbooks from her time as an elementary school teacher provide a fascinating look into the environment of a classroom during this time period. Many of the educational materials are from Ms. Veal’s time as an elementary school teacher at the Burris School and education professor with Ball State Teachers College from 1936-1948. The collections educational books includes the book she helped co-author called I Learn to Write. Her personal journals give insight into the everyday life of a school teacher and also contains poetry and other writings she worked on. It also includes documents from her community involvement with the Delta Kappa Gamma teacher’s sorority and the Muncie branch of the Association for Childhood Education.
Victoria Cotton Mill Ledger - Accession 1708 - M823 (880)
Victoria Cotton Mill; Rock Hill, SC; and James Knox Roach
Accession 1708 - M823 (880)This collection consists of ledger compiled by James Knox Roach (1878-1948) for the Victoria Cotton Mill. Mr. J. K. Roach worked as a bookkeeper for the Mill and this financial ledger details the purchasing of cotton (price, amount, etc.) and also supplies a list of dentists, medical doctors, contractors, lawyers, pharmacists, bookkeepers and Officemen in the area (Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Yorkville, Chester, Blacksburg, etc.). Victoria Cotton Mill began as Globe Cotton Mill in 1889 and was renamed Victoria Cotton Mill in 1904. It operated up until at least into the 1950s with William Joseph Roddey, Jr. (1893-1987) as president.
South Carolina Vocational Association Records - Accession 552
Vocational Association, South Carolina and Career and Technical Education, South Carolina Association
Accession 552The South Carolina Vocational Association Records consist of correspondence, minutes, bylaws, reports, and memoranda relating to annual conferences, awards, administrators of the organization, and its activities. Subjects include the annual summer conferences from 1981-1984, minutes and agenda of business meetings during this same time, other South Carolina Vocational Association (SCVA) advertised events, as well as original resumes and correspondence for the 1981 director position.
Maria von Trapp Visit to Rock Hill Records - Accession 1615 - M794 (851)
Maria von Trapp
Accession 1615 - M794 (851)This collection consists of materials related to a visit to Rock Hill, SC by Maria (Kutschera) von Trapp (1905-1987) in April 1978. Maria gained fame as the inspiration for the Broadway musical (1959) and movie musical (1965), The Sound of Music which was based on her book The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (1949). Maria was the stepmother and matriarch of the Austrian singing family, the Trapp Family Singers. The group was comprised of Maria and her seven stepchildren through her marriage to Captain Georg von Trapp (1880-1947). They began their career in Europe, but after Germany annexed Austria the family located to the United States and began touring the Us and Canada.
In 1976, the United Methodist Women at St. Johns United Methodist Church in Rock Hill, SC initiated a request to Maria von Trapp to see if she would be interested in visiting as a lecturer for a planned Arts festival held at St. Johns. She eventually agreed and arrived on April 11, 1978, had dinner with the Hornsby Family, gave her lecture, and stayed overnight at the Howard Johnson Motel in Rock Hill. She departed on April 12, 1978.
This collection consists of correspondence discussing the possible visit, a photocopy of a newspaper article concerning her visit, several receipts of her stay, and a brief biographical write-up of her and her visit.
Carole Sellers Moon Walker Papers - Accession 1736
Carole Sellers Moon Walker, Walker Family, Sellers Family, Bell Family, and Moon Family
Accession 1736The Carole Sellers Moon Walker Papers consists of the genealogical research conducted by Martha Carole Sellers Moon-Walker (1936-2019) concerning her family and extended family. The collections consists of correspondence, photographs, family histories and anecdotes, research printouts and notes, copies of primary documents, genealogical charts and lineage charts, family charts, and other research related to Carole Walkers genealogical research. The more prominent family names included in the research are: Allen; Ausburn; Beagle; Bell; Bellamy; Brown; Carrington; Case; Casey; Cash; Catlett; Caudell; Christopher; Clayton; Crisler; Crow/Crowe; Dodd; Duckworth; Dunson; Edwards; Gammon; Gober; Goolsby; Gunter; Hancock; Henry; Hogshead/Hogsed; Hopewell; Ivey; Jackson; Kelley; King; Langston; Loggins; Martin; McCarty; McCracken; McKinney; Mealor; Moon; Moseley; Murray; Norton; Orr; Porter; Posey; Prince; Reynolds; Richardson; Sailors; Sargent; Sellers; Seymour; Sheriff; Staple; Thompson; Turner; Vaughn; Walker; Ward; Yarbrough;
Dora Dee Walker Family Photographs - Accession 352 - M141 (177)
Dora Dee Walker
Accession 352 - M141 (177)The Dora Dee Walker Family Photographs consist of photographs of Dora Dee Walker, Warren Walker, Sarah Frances Walker, Ward Vernard Walker, and Ward's funeral in the Philippines. The photographs date from the 1890s to the early 1900s.
Dora Dee Walker Papers - Accession 104 - M44 (59)
Dora Dee Walker
Accession 104 - M44 (59)The Dora Dee Walker Papers consist of biographical sketches and data sheets, a letter, photographs, a newspaper clipping and a copy of the history of extension work in Allendale County, all relating to Dora Walker, pioneering State leader in extension work in South Carolina.
Dora Dee Walker Tribute Booklet - Accession 1328 - M663 (717)
Dora Dee Walker
Accession 1328 - M663 (717)The collection consists of biographical articles of Mrs. Dora Dee Walker which includes remembrances written by her associates including Harriet F. Johnson, Maizie C. Flanagan, Emma Hanna, and Kirby Tyler. Dora Dee Walker was state home demonstration agent from 1911-1946. “She traveled throughout the state, working with tomato canning clubs, fostering aid to areas devastated by the boll weevil, helping to beautify and develop farm communities with wholesome recreational activities.”—Louise Pettus and Ron Chepesiuk.
Walker Family Papers - Accession 437 - M175 (216)
Walker Family
Accession 437 - M175 (216)The Walker Family Papers consist of photocopies of three deeds, a New England Primer, and a five dollar note from the Bank of Chester. The documents all relate to Chester County, South Carolina.
David Duncan Wallace Papers - Accession 333
David Duncan Wallace
Accession 333The David Duncan Wallace Papers consist of microfiche copies of the original David D. Wallace family papers, 1866-1951, SCHS 1233.00 held at the South Carolina Historical Society. David Duncan Wallace (1874-1951) was a Professor of History at Wofford College from 1899 through 1947 and was the author of the three volume set titled, History of South Carolina published in 1934. He is considered one of the foremost historians in State. The papers consist of his correspondence, research notes, clippings, and published and unpublished manuscripts related to his publications and areas of research. Also, included is some ephemera and other items.
David Duncan Wallace Papers - Accession 605
David Duncan Wallace, James Alfred Hoyt, John Cheves Haskell, Alexander Cheves Haskell, William Henry Wallace, Martin Witherspoon Gary, Samuel McGowan, and Wade Hampton III
Accession 605The David Duncan Wallace Papers consists of microfiche copies of letters written to and from Colonel John Cheves Haskell (1841-1906), Colonel Alexander Cheves Haskell (1839-1910), and Colonel James Alfred Hoyt (1837-1904) and a “Statement by General William H. Wallace, as to interview between General [Samuel] McGown and General [Martin Witherspoon] Gary, dated December 20, 1879” regarding the withdrawal of South Carolina Democratic electors in 1880. Also, included is an unpublished article by Col. Hoyt titled “Gary and Hampton” written in about January 1880 while he was editor of The Baptist Courier. The article concerns General Martin Witherspoon Gary (1831-1881) and General Wade Hampton III (1818-1902) and the split in the 1880 state Democratic Party between their respective supporters for the 1880 South Carolina governor race.
Microfiched documents include:
- Letter, December 19, 1879, John C. Haskell to James A. Hoyt.
- Letter, December 20, 1879, James A. Hoyt to Samuel McGowan.
- Statement by General William H. Wallace, as to interview between General Samuel McGowan and General Gary, dated December 20, 1879.
- Letter, December 22, 1879, Col. Alexander C. Haskell to James A. Hoyt.
- Letter, January 28, 1880, John C. Haskell to James A. Hoyt.
- Letter, February 7, 1880, James A. Hoyt to John C. Haskell.
Robert E. Wallace Papers - Accession 947
Robert E. Wallace, Wallace Family, Prindle/ Pringle, and Hight/ Hite
Accession 947The Robert E. Wallace Papers consists of the genealogical materials collected by Mr. Wallace. Lt. Col. Robert Elmer Wallace (1915-2001) was a genealogist that wrote several genealogical books titled Hight-Hite Families of Sussex and Surry Counties (1993), Samuel Wallace Family (1994), Prindle-Pringle Genealogy (1995), and Thomas Wallace Family (2000). The collection includes correspondence (personal and professional), photocopies of wills, deeds, marriage/death records, and other primary documents, maps, inventory lists, pictures, newspaper clippings, and some miscellaneous items that all pertain in some way to Robert Wallace’s genealogical history.
Walnut Grove Plantation History - Accession 418 - M164 (205)
Walnut Grove Plantation
Accession 418 - M164 (205)The Walnut Grove Plantation History consists of a history and a will pertaining to the Charles Moore family of Walnut Grove Plantation, together with a 1925 map of Spartanburg County, South Carolina. There is genealogical information pertaining to the Moore and Barry family for the years 1736 to 1860.
Johnnie "Mac" McKeiver Walters Autobiographical Collection - Accession 1539 - M749 (806)
Johnnie McKeiver Walters, World War II, and Richard Milhous Nixon
Accession 1539 - M749 (806)This collection consists of a CD recording of an interview of Johnnie Mac Walters (1919-2014) by Tim Baiden on October 24, 2013 at Furman University where he discusses his life, experiences in World War II, and his service during the US President Richard Nixon Administration. Also included is an autographed copy of a book and memoir written by Johnnie Mac Walters titled, Our Journey: Johnnie Mac Walters published by Stroud & Hall Publishers: Macon, GA in 2011. The book discusses in more depth his life experiences with a focus on his time working for President Nixon and how in “an administration largely remembered for its Abuse of power, Walters stands apart for his steadfast performance under pressure” where he largely stood against the corruption around him and stood firm in his moral character. The book also includes an autographed forward to the book by John Stringer Rainey (1941-2015), Camden, SC attorney and philanthropist.
John S. Walton Reminiscence - Accession 281 - M120 (153)
John S. Walton
Accession 281 - M120 (153)The John S. Walton Reminiscence describes his experiences as a Union soldier in the Civil War, describing campaigns in Kentucky and Tennessee. Also included is some genealogy material relating to the Walton family. John S. Walton (1841-1924) was born in London, England and sailed to America landed in Louisville, KY on July 20, 1860. On September 23, 1861 he enlisted in the 15th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry and served in the Union army for three years and four months. He was mustered out of serve on January 14, 1865.
Robert M. Ward Photograph Collection - Accession 502
Robert Miller Ward
Accession 502The Robert M. Ward Photograph Collection consists of approximately 400 prints and 900 negatives from the photographs that he took in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Most of the events and individuals pictured are from the York County, SC area and include the Latta House in York, South Carolina, downtown Rock Hill, parades, baseball, military, aviation, sports, and other York County buildings and scenes. Also included are photographs of Landsford Canal State Park, York Technical College, Winthrop University, Catawba Indian chieftain King Haigler’s memorial, Andrew Jackson State Park, Kings Mountain State Park, Hall of Fame Golfer Sam Snead's visit to Rock Hill, SC, and Charleston, South Carolina. The collection also contains newspaper articles from the York Observer, dated from 1988 to 1992, which helped to identify some of the people and events in the pictures.
The Children of King Hagler - Accession 1329 - M664 (718)
Robert Miller Ward
Accession 1329 - M664 (718)This collection consists of book titled, The Children of King Hagler by Robert Miller (Bob) Ward (1916-?) published by The Catawba Press: Rock Hill, SC in 1940. This publication is about King Hagler (ca. 1700-1763) who was the chief of the Catawba Indian tribe from 1754-1763 and provides historic documentation of the Catawba and the descendants of King Hagler. He “was the most noted chief of the old Catawba Nation and this is the story of his people –a brief history of the Catawba who live on a state reservation nine miles east of Rock Hill (Bob Ward).” King Hagler would later become the first Native American to be inducted into the South Carolina Hall of Fame in 2009.
Julius Waties Waring Papers - Accession 253
Julius Waties Waring
Accession 253Julius Waties Waring (1880-1968) was a Charleston attorney, federal district court judge, and civil rights activist. He oversaw several pivotal civil rights cases in South Carolina as a federal district court judge. The Julius Waties Waring Papers consist of transcripts of interviews with Waring conducted by Dr. Harlan B. Phillips and Louis M. Starr of the Oral History Research Office at Columbia University in New York City, discussing such subjects as Waring’s career as an attorney in Charleston, South Carolina, appointment to the Federal District Court, and judicial cases with which he was involved relating to bus segregation. There are also resolutions, newspaper clippings, biographical data, opinions of Judge Waring, speeches, correspondence, and other papers relating to his judicial career. The originals of these materials are located at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
George Washington Papers - Accession 133 - M60 (75)
George Washington
Accession 133 - M60 (75)The George Washington Papers includes a circular (21 pp.) from George Washington to John Matthews, Governor of South Carolina, dispatched from Washington’s headquarters at Newburgh, New York on June 14, 1783 and concerning Washington’s resignation as commander-in-chief. Washington also urges the legislators to act on certain matters that he considers necessary to keep the new nation functioning, including the payment of public debts incurred during the war. The collection also includes newspaper clippings and letters relating to how Winthrop obtained the circular.
James Watson's Civil War "Camp Reminiscences" - Accession 452 - M186 (227)
James Adams Watson
Accession 452 - M186 (227)James Adams Watson (1841-1905) served as 1st Lieutenant in Company A, 12th South Carolina Volunteers in the Confederate State Army during the American Civil War. Mr. Watson was a York, SC native and his father Rev. Samuel Lytle Watson was pastor of Bethel Presbyterian Church in York County, SC. The James Watson Reminiscence consists of the Civil War “Camp Reminiscences” (1861-1865) by James Adams Watson which were compiled by Eleanor Guy Bankhead, Watson’s granddaughter in 1965.
Old Waxhaw Presbyterian Church Programs - Accession 85 - M36 (48)
Waxhaw Presbyterian Church
Accession 85 - M36 (48)The Old Waxhaw Presbyterian Church Program collection consists of programs printed to celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of Old Waxhaw Presbyterian Church in Lancaster County, South Carolina. One was produced by the First Presbyterian Church of Rock Hill, SC held on May 8, 1955 to honor the Old Waxhaw Presbyterian Church and the other was produced by the Old Waxhaw Presbyterian Church on July 24, 1955.
History of Waxhaws District Settlement - Accession 721 - M328 (380)
Waxhaws, SC and E. E. Cloud
Accession 721 - M328 (380)The History of the Waxhaws District Settlement consists of a paper titled The Settlement of the Waxhaws written by Mrs. Jessie Hough Cloud (Mrs. E. E.). The history charts the beginning of the Waxhaw settlement in1751 up through the early 19th Century.
Henry Weakfield Land Plat - Accession 590 - M254 (303)
Henry Weakfield
Accession 590 - M254 (303)The Henry Weakfield Land Plat is a 6 ½” x 4” handwritten survey and land plat from Burke County, North Carolina, for Henry Weakfield dated April 8, 1789. The item is witnessed by Charles Weakfield and Josiah Clark and signed by David Vance and W.W. Hill (?).
Jack Weaver Papers - Accession 682
Jack Wayne Weaver
Accession 682The Jack Weaver Papers consists of materials collected by Dr. Jack Wayne Weaver (b. 1932) who was a professor of English at Winthrop University from 1967 until his retirement in 2003. Dr. Weaver conducted several studies in Irish culture, including hosting two Scots-Irish festivals at Winthrop University and publishing a manuscript guide for Irish genealogy studies. The collection contains various information relating to Dr. Weaver’s general Irish studies, the Scots-Irish festivals, and his manuscript guide. Also included in the collection is some biographical data and information on his career as an English professor at Winthrop University.
Jack Weaver Genealogical Papers - Accession 1489
Jack Wayne Weaver, Hughes Family, and Knox Family
Accession 1489Dr. Jack Weaver was a professor of English at Winthrop University from 1967 until his retirement in 2003. The Jack Weaver Genealogical Papers consists of genealogical books, papers, family records, and genealogical files of Doctor Jack Weaver. Dr. Weaver conducted extensive research into the Scotch-Irish genealogical records in the United States. Prominent families featured in his research include the Hughes, Knox, and McGrew families.
Nettie Workman Weaver Diplomas - Accession 1639 - M7803 (860)
Nettie Workman Weaver, John Siler Weaver, and Rock Hill High School
Accession 1639 M803 (860)This collection consists of three diplomas, two that were awarded to Nettie Elizabeth Workman Weaver (1915-1993) and one that was awarded to her husband, John Siler Weaver (1910-1974). The first diploma was awarded to John Siler Weaver on June 6, 1930 by Asheville High School in Asheville, NC. The other two diplomas awarded to Nettie Elizabeth Workman consist of one dated May 26, 1933 by Rock Hill High School and one awarded by Rock Hill Public Schools Commercial Department to Nettie on May 26, 1933 that certifies that she “Successfully completed two years’ work in Shorthand, Typewriting, and Bookkeeping.”