Manuscript Collection
Sara Gossett Crigler Collection - Accession 614
Sara Gossett Crigler, South Carolina Education, Brown Family, and Gossett Family
Accession 614The Sara Gossett Crigler Collection consists of a microfiche copy of her book titled, Education For Girls And Women In Upper South Carolina Prior to 1890 with Related Miscellaneous Articles: A Compilation by Mrs. Henry Towles Crigler (Sara Gossett Crigler), self-published in Greenville, SC on April 15, 1956. This book also includes many anecdotes and reminiscences of Sara’ family including a section devoted to the slaves owned and later freed after the Civil War by her family. The book is dedicated by the author, Sara Gossett Crigler (1886-1966), to her mother Sallie Brown Gossett (1859-1942) and her aunt Mary Brown Mahon (1861-1948) who were both graduates of Williamston Female College in 1877 and 1879 respectively. The 170 page volume would be useful to anyone doing research on the education of women in South Carolina during the 19th century. The original copy is housed at the South Carolina Historical Society as SCHS 509 and was dedicated and signed by the author, “For the Charleston Library Society” on July 10, 1964.
*Please see attached Table of Contents
Crockett Family Papers - Accession 362
Crockett Family and Crockett House
Accession 362The Crockett Family Papers consist mainly of account books and registers for a hotel, The Crockett House, 1868-1895, located in Lancaster, South Carolina. Also included are two bd. vols. of the names of those who “took meals” at the Crockett House, 1883-1884 and 1889, as well as personal account books of two family members. There is a typescript of items from the registers and some family genealogical data. The collection also includes bills, receipts, promissory notes, and two Confederate Government tax receipts.
Arthur B. Cropley Diary - Accession 675 - M298 (349)
Arthur B. Cropley
Accession 675 - M298 (349)The Arthur Bird Cropley Diary consists of lecture notes, classmate signatures listing hometown and union or secessionist status, together with secessionist poetry and prose written by Arthur Bird Cropley (1848-1912) and other classmates while they were students of the Stanmore School for Boys in Sandy Spring, Maryland. There are also class rosters for the Stanmore School for Boys as well as a class roster for the Fair Hill Boarding School for Girls, both of Sandy Spring in Montgomery County, Maryland. Arthur B. Cropley was a resident of Georgetown, M.D in 1862 and was born in the District of Columbia on August 11, 1848 and died there on April 24, 1912.
Elmer T. Crowson Papers - Accession 878 - M396 (447)
Elmer Thomas Crowson
Accession 878 - M396 (447)The Elmer T. Crowson Papers consists of photocopies of correspondence written to Tom Crowson (including letters from Senator Strom Thurmond and President George Bush), letters of recommendations, newspaper clipping (concerning State Senator Hugh Leatherman and former Winthrop President Phil Lader), student evaluations, a vita, and a roster of the “The Whyte Guards” SC Battalion, 46 regiment as of April 18, 1861 during the American Civil War. Most of the collection is made up of correspondence to Professor Crowson concerning books he’d written, letters of congratulations, etc. Professor Elmer (Tom) Thomas Crowson (1917-2010) was a history professor at Winthrop from 1953 until his retirement in 1983. He became a member of the Winthrop Board of Trustees in 1998.
William Leonard Culp Collection - Accession 1737
William Leonard Culp, Winthrop University, Winthrop Training School, Lee Miller, Leslee Elliott, and Whitney Carter
Accession 1737This collection is a series of transcriptions of interviews conducted of Bill Culp by one Lee Miller and students Whitney Carter and Leslee Elliott, dating from 8 Sept. 2003, through to the end of that Fall semester. The interviews themselves are primarily focused upon discussing the history of Winthrop, and in particular, the buildings at Winthrop, along with many of Mr. Culp’s own anecdotes. The interviews were conducted to “capture the history of Winthrop according to the 50+ years of Mr. Culp’s involvement with Winthrop.” These interviews offer a great glimpse of Winthrop’s history spanning from Winthrop Founder and first president, Dr. David Bancroft Johnson’s tenure through Winthrop’s ninth, Dr. Anthony Joseph DiGiorgios tenure.
Those working on the project included the donor of the collection, Lee Miller, additionally, Dr. Kathy Lyons as faculty supervisor in the honors program. Drs. Andy Doyle and Rory Cornish were the faculty working with their two students, Whitney Carter and Leslee Elliott. DeAnna Brooks with the Office of the President and Dr. Tom Moore, Academic VP at the time, also helped with the project. The information gathered by the interviews was used by the students to write an honors thesis and a major paper for independent coursework. The collection also includes correspondence between Miller and others integral to the project, primarily related to setting up the project. The original donation included copies and print-outs relating to Bill Culp, all of which can be found in the file that the Louise Pettus Archives has on Mr. Culp. The signed oral history project release forms can also be found in this collection.
Private John Noel Cummings Letters - Accession 613
John Noel Cummings and American Civil War
Accession 613The Private John Noel Cummings Letters collection consist of microfiche copies of letters written to his wife first from Charleston, SC then Georgia regarding family and the American Civil War. Private John Noel Cummings (1826-1894) served with the 5th Regiment of Cavalry, South Carolina Volunteers in the Confederate Army and wrote to his wife Caroline “Carrie” M. Bowyer Cummings (1831-1897). Both are buried at Cummings Chapel Cemetery in Ridgeville, Dorchester County, South Carolina.
Cuneiform Tablet Collection - Accession 1382
Cuneiform Tablets
Accession 1382The Cuneiform Tablet Collection consists of six cuneiform tablets ranging from 2300-547 BC. Cuneiform is the oldest known form of writing and was commonly used in the Middle East between 3,200 BC and the second century AD. It was created by pressing a wedge-shaped instrument, usually a cut reed, into moist clay.
Ruth Williams Cupp Papers - Accession 467
Ruth Williams Cupp
Accession 467Ruth Williams Cupp (1928-2016) was a Charleston attorney, writer, historian and graduate of Winthrop College (Class of 1950) and USC Law School (Class of 1954). Ruth practiced law in the Charleston area until she became the first woman to be elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives (1962-1964). She lost her bid for reelection in 1964, partially due to her support for Lyndon B. Johnson and his reelection efforts. The Collection consists mostly from newspaper clippings ranging from 1961 to 1965 and mostly refers to her political, professional, community and personal life. Also included are several photographs related to her political endeavors and correspondence and materials related to First Lady Bird Johnson and her tour of South Carolina and Ruth’s unsuccessful bid for reelection.
Coins, Medallions, Tokens, and Paper Currency Collection - Accession 1394
Accession 1394The Coins, Medallions, Tokens, and Paper Currency Collection consists of coins, medallions, tokens, and paper currency that were donated to Winthrop. These items were produced from many different countries, republics, and municipalities including Rome, Italy, France, Great Britain, the Philippines, Russia, China, and the United States, and also include paper currency produced by the United Colonies of America and the Confederate States of America. Many of these items were originally put on display in the Winthrop Museum which was housed in the Tillman Science Building.
Dacus Family Papers - Accession 251 - M106 (136)
Dacus Family
Accession 251 - M106 (136)The Dacus Family Papers consist of a brief family history prepared by Mrs. James E. Rugg, together with wills and claims of Nathaniel Dacus (born around 1749 and died around 1831) of Greenville District, SC, and correspondence relating to the family history.
Ida Jane Dacus Collection - Accession 1658
Ida Jane Dacus, American Civil War, and Slavery
Accession 1658This collection consists of letters and autographs Miss Ida Jane Dacus collected from famous authors and politicians. There are also photographs, deeds and land records, financial records, poems and sonnets, notices, memorabilia mostly from the 19th century. Most of these documents are related to South Carolina during the American Civil War and in particular to the Confederate States of America, however some are pre-Civil War. The deeds and land records all relate to property in Wake County, NC. Some of this material may have been on display in the museum that was in the Tillman Science Building which was razed in 1962, at which point they may have been brought to the library and mixed with Ida Jane Dacus’ collection of Autographs and letters.
Cuba Postcard from Ida J. Dacus - Accession 1333 - M667 (721)
Ida Jane Dacus, Shelton Joseph Phelps, and Cuba
Accession 1333 - M667 (721)This collection consists of a postcard of the Capital Building in Havanna, Cuba from Ida Jane Dacus (Winthrop Librarian) to Shelton Phelps (The president of Winthrop) while she was in Cuba. The postcard is postmarked August 11, 1938.
Daughters of the American Revolution, Catawba Chapter Records - Accession 722
Daughters of the American Revolution, Catawba Chapter and H. D. Brown
Accession 722This collection contains various items relating to the Catawba Chapter of the Daughters of the American and their records, including pieces from 1908-1998. Some of it had been filed beforehand, and so this information is kept in the order it had been received in. These folders include records of programs, correspondence of various DAR committees, and financial records of various years. There is also a bounded volume containing awards and newspaper clippings related to the Chapter. The largest amount of documents are from the mid-1960s through to the mid-1970s. Members or former members of the Catawba Chapter may find the collection useful or interesting in showing what was going at earlier times in the Chapter. Also included is a publication titled, Catawba Chapter Daughters Of The American Revolution: Historical and Genealogical Material, York County, South Carolina Volume 2 which was compiled by Mrs. H. D. Brown. The publication provides information on historical churches, graveyards, and families in York County, including Beersheba Presbyterian Church, Bethany Cemetery, Bullock Creek Burial List, Union Cemetery, Anderson Cemetery, Ebenezer Cemetery, Dawkins Family Burial Ground, the Mason: Youngblood Burial Ground, Robertson Graveyard, Spratt Graveyard, Sadder family and the property of Isaac McFadden.
Frances Weatherly David Collection - Accession 1456 - M712 (768)
Frances Weatherly David
Accession 1456 - M712 (768)This collection consists of Winthrop memorabilia collected by Winthrop class of 1931 alumna, Frances Weatherly David (1911-2009) of Bennettsville, SC while she attended Winthrop. The collection includes a 1931 commencement program, a program (1929) for a May Day celebration titled, “Spring in Many Lands: The Year’s At The Spring,” 4-H Club program (nd) for a Fashion Show, Junior-Senior Reception invitation (1929), a program (1929) for a play titled, Tillie of the Talkies: Glorifying the Winthrop Girl performed by the Junior Class, a Johnsonian article titled, “A Tribute to Mother” (nd), a program to an unidentified play, and a Johnsonian newspaper (June 1, 1931).
Luckett Davis Papers - Accession 1561
Luckett Vanderford Davis
Accession 1561This collection consists of the professional research performed by former Winthrop faculty member and Biology professor Dr. Luckett Davis (1932-2022). Dr. Davis’ research focused on the sport of boxing and the history of the sport. He wrote extensively on the topic and the collection consists of his research including correspondence, research notes, microfilm, publications, statistical fact books, newspaper and magazine articles, published books, boxer narratives, complete or near complete runs of publications such as Weekly Boxing World, The Ring, The Ring Encyclopedia and Record Book, Bare Knuckle Record Books, Boxing News, American Boxing Record Books, Boxing, Boxe, La Boxe and Les Boxeurs, etc.. The records cover boxing from around the world including the United States, South America, France, etc.
Nancy Jane Day Papers - Accession 629
Nancy Jane Day
Accession 629This collection consists of personal papers and professional papers of librarian Nancy Jane Day. The personal papers include biographical information, correspondence, and photographs. The professional papers make up the bulk of the collection and include materials from the various organizations in which Miss Day was involved, such as, the American Library Association, American Association of School Librarians, South Carolina Library Association, South Carolina Education Association, and several others. Contained in the various series are correspondence, reports, agendas, minutes, programs, pamphlets, manuals, lists, rules, publications, handbooks, newspaper clippings, schedule, forms, applications, standards, newsletters, constitutions, by-laws, notices, directories, speeches, notes, guidelines, questionnaires, requirement, book lists, statistics, computer printouts, and various other materials.
Degree of Pocahontas, Rock Hill Chapter Records - Accession 1681
Degree of Pocahontas, Rock Hill Chapter and Rock Hill, SC, Club
Accession 1681This collection consists of the records produced by and for the Rock Hill Chapter of the Degree of Pocahontas which is the female auxiliary of the Improved Order of Red Men. The records in the collection consists of a ledger containing minutes, rosters, and other information, correspondence, applications, reports, and checks related mostly to the Rock Hill, SC female auxiliary, Tepee of Alletah Council, No. 17, Degree of Pocahontas, but some of the records also relate to the Wigwam of Calumet Tribe, No. 36, Improved Order of Red Men, Rock Hill Chapter. Both of the organizations were created solely for white men and women and remained segregated until 1974. The Improved Order of the Red Men was organized to inspire a greater love for the United States of America and the principles of American Liberty, while the Degree of Pocahontas was created to further the virtues of teaching kindness, love, charity, and loyalty to one’s nation.
Lucile Kathryn Delano Papers - Accession 28
Lucile Kathryn Delano
Accession 28The Lucile Kathryn Delano Papers consist of correspondence (1926-1966) relating to Delano’s research and retirement from Winthrop; travel diaries of trips to Spain during the early part of the Spanish Civil War (1936), to Switzerland (1950), and to Russia (1966); a draft of her book Oh Lovely Spain (1973); passports; an account of a trip to Europe in 1932-1933; her dissertation The Sonnet In Lope De Vega’s Comedias (1925); research notes; manuscript for her book Charles De Lannoy; Victor of Pavia; photographs; and newspaper clippings.
Lucile Kathryn Delano Papers - Accession 509
Lucile Kathryn Delano
Accession 509The Lucile Kathryn Delano Papers consist of correspondence relating to Dr. Delano, Hallet Abend, and Virgilia Peterson (Princess Sapieha of Poland), an account of her trips to Europe and Mexico City, honors and awards she received, a dissertation presented to the Board of Graduate Studies at Washington University, notes on projected research on William Cullen Bryant, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, and family photographs.
Charleston County Democratic Executive Committee Minutes - Accession 611
Democratic Executive Committee, Charleston County
Accession 611This collection consists of microfiche copies of minutes and records of the Charleston County Democratic Executive Committee. Members of the committee at one time or another: R.C. Barkley, T.A. Beckett, B. Belliman, N.C. Boylston, G.L. Buist, Wm. Byrne, Jas. Conner, W.A. Courtenay, F.W. Dawson, Hugh Ferguson, John Gonzales, T.A. Huguenin, James Kelly, Charles Kerrison, Jr., H.M. Lofton, T.L. McGaham, C.R. Miles, L.D. Mowry, M.D. O’Connor, D.T. Pope, B.C. Pressly, T.F. Redding, A.B. Rhett, G. Rieke, E.L. Rivers, W.W. Sale, Sam. Sanders, R. Siegling, Jacob Small, Wm. Smith, E.A. Smyth, J. Adger Smyth, W. F. Strong, G.N. Tharin, J.L. Tobis, George W. Walker, C.C. White, J.J. Williams, E. Willis and S.H. Wilson. Although the minutes extend from December 28, 1875 through November 5, 1878, there is also a list of the Executive Committee and Delegates to the State Convention for the Election of 1880. The Democratic Party dominated the political scene in post-Reconstruction South Carolina from 1877 to the 1970s and was a much more conservative body more analogous to the present day Republican Party.
South Carolina Democratic Party Constitution - Accession 172 - M77 (95)
Democratic Party Constitution, South Carolina
Accession 172 - M77 (95)The collection consists of the South Carolina Democratic Party Constitution which was adopted at the State Convention in Columbia, May 20, 1908.
York County Democratic Party Records - Accession 61
Democratic Party, York County
Accession 61The York County Democratic Party Records primarily pertain to the various Democratic Party primaries held in York County every two years from 1952 to 1968 and document the work of the York County Democratic Party in choosing its candidates for elections. The type of records include memoranda and correspondence; legal and financial records; lists of candidates, members of the York County Democratic executive committee and delegates to the state convention; minutes of the executive committee and of the York County democratic convention; election records such as tally sheets and ballot slips; newspaper clippings and other related records. Correspondents include Joseph Rodney Moss, former Chief Justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court.
York County Democratic Women's Club Records - Accession 60
Democratic Women's Club, York County
Accession 60The York County Democratic Women's Club Records consist of minutes, correspondence, program notes, membership and guest lists, and reference files primarily relating to the Club’s organization, work, and relationship with local, state and national branches of the Democratic Party.
Henry William De Saussure - Accession 718
Henry William De Saussure and De Saussure Family
Accession 718The Henry William De Saussure Family Papers consists of photostatic copies of original documents related to De Saussure and his family. Henry William de Saussure (1763-1839) was a lawyer, jurist, and statesman and from South Carolina. He was one of the leading members of the Federalist Party following the Revolutionary War. The papers consist of a deed of property in Chester District (April 4, 1812), a Plat of the property, an inventory of the property of John Thomas (November 18, 1811), Articles sold by Samuel Lowery to Henry William De Saussure, Household furniture and notes of John Thomas, Miscellaneous notes, and The Chester Standard (August 29, 1861) that contains the members of Captain W. A. Walker’s Troop of Cavalry, war news, etc. There are other documents included as well including deeds, surveys, and lists of properties. Henry William’s grandson, Wilmot S. Gibbes is mentioned in several of the documents.
Rea Deschamps Winthrop Letters - Accession 944 - M428 (479)
Rea Deschamps
Accession 944 - M428 (479)The Rea DesChamps Collection consists of letters written to Rebecca “Rhea/Rea” DesChamps Kelley (1886-1911) of Bishopville, South Carolina from Winthrop students cousin Mabel Crosswell (Class of 1900), friend Sallie Walker (attended 1902-1904), and friend Grace Dell James (Class of 1907) between the years of 1899 and 1905. All three Winthrop students were from Bishopville, SC. Also included are two photographs (nd) of Winthrop students one of whom is identified as Mabel Crosswell, and the 1902 Winthrop Entrance Examination. Also included is a Winthrop Entrance Examination for potential students entering Winthrop with areas of examination being history, English grammar and composition, geography, and arithmetic and algebra.
William Hart McCorkle York County Diary - Accession 393
Diary, York County and William Hart McCorkle
Accession 393This collection consists of microfilm copies of a handwritten journal belonging to William Hart McCorkle (1821-1904). William Hart McCorkle was a Confederate veteran in the American Civil War and served in the 12th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Company A, The Palmer Guards. He was also a County Probate Judge and a local businessman based in York, SC. The journal details events and persons in York County and includes entries relating to the lynching of 2 Negroes, a relief effort for Johnstown, P.A., flood victims, reunion of the 17th South Carolina Volunteers, electric lights in homes, local marriages and deaths, lists of local officials, cotton prices, and national events such as the sinking of the U.S.S, Maine, death of Queen Victoria and President McKinley.
*The collection consists of microfilm copies of the originals housed at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.
Georgia Dickert Piano Recital Program Collection - Accession 1150 - M526 (577)
Georgia Belle Dickert, Rock Hill High School, and Central School
Accession 1150 - M526 (577)The Georgia Dickert Piano Recital Program Collection consists of 3 programs for piano recitals performed by pupils of Miss Georgia Belle Dickert. The pupils were students from Central School and Rock Hill High School located in Rock Hill, SC and the performances were held on May 18, 1942 (Central School), May 21, 1943 (Central School), and May 22, 1945 (Rock Hill High School). Miss Georgia Belle Dickert (1908-2003) was a well known and respected piano instructor in Rock Hill and is buried in Laurelwood Cemetery.
The L.S. Dickert Collection - Accession 748 - M347 (398)
L. S. Dickert
Accession 748 - M347 (398)The L. S. Dickert Collection consists of photographs of Army maneuvers during World War II in 1941, a 1901 Rock Hill Herald, several World War II “War Ration Books” and a souvenir booklet titled Rock Hill, SC A Good Town: 100 Years of Progress 1852-1952 which commemorated Rock Hill, SC's centennial Hill Centennial Celebration May 4-10, 1952.
South Carolina Dietetic Association History - Accession 136 - M63 (78)
Dietetic Association, South Carolina
Accession 136 - M63 (78)The History of the South Carolina Dietetic Association: 1937-1962 was co-authored by Ada M. Moser and Caroline B. Broome and covers the period from the Association’s founding in 1937 to 1962. The booklet includes a list of presidents of the organization, a list of the charter members, a list of delegates from the organization to the national conference and a list of the Scholarship Award recipients. The South Carolina Dietetic Association was created as a professional organization for hospital dietitians and other nutrition-trained personnel in the state. The organization was founded on March 17, 1937.
Lillian Salters Dillard Collection- Accession 1413
Lillian Salters Dillard
Accession 1413The Lillian Salters Dillard Collection consists of items belonging to Winthrop graduate Lillian Salters Dillard (Class of 1913). The collection includes 7 Winthrop College Journals which Lillian served as editor. There are also photocopied photographs of the Class of 1913 and memorabilia from her 60th Reunion in 1973. There is also a cooking notebook which includes notes from her sophomore and junior cooking classes while attending Winthrop College.
Richard Dinning Collection - Accession 1470 - M715 (771)
Richard Dinning; World War II; Winthrop College; and Winthrop College, Army Air Corp
Accession 1470 M715 (771)-The Richard Dinning Collection consists of photocopies of reminiscences, letters, and photographs relating to Richard Dinning’s (1922-2022) Army Air Corp training while stationed at Winthrop (1943) and his experiences as a combat pilot during World War II. The letters consist of correspondence Richard Dinning sent home to his parents and sister during his time as a cadet at Winthrop College in 1943. The photographs are of Capt. Dinning while a cadet at Winthrop, during WWII, and after the war. There is an untitled reminisce by Richard Dinning of his experiences in WWII as a B-17 pilot on 33 missions over Germany from 1944 to 1945. The chapters are titled, “Introduction-Fifty Years Later,” “That Frightening Realization,” “Know Your Crew,” “The Group Commander’s White Line,” “Pre-Dawn Assemblies,” “Pee Stories,” “Helpful Valley,” “Damn The Press,” “Merry Christmas,” “A Goof Up?,” “How Cold Did It Get,” and “Little Friend.” Another reminisce titled, “Random Recollections: Two 2012 Recollections Which Deserve To Be Added To The Prior Random Recollections,” by Richard Dinning discusses his trip to Winthrop University in 2012 to visit the campus and participate in an oral history interview (OH-309) and the events that led to the trip. A third remembrance discusses his 90th birthday celebration in 2012 with family and friends. Also, included is a list of all the 33 missions Captain Dinning flew from October 2, 1944 through May 10, 1945.
Dixie Music Score - Accession 1398 - M690 (746)
Dixie Music Score
Accession 1398 - M690 (746)This collection consists of an autographed copy of Herman F. Arnold’s “Dixie”. The music scale is inscribed with “At the request of Miss Minnie Parker the copy of Dixie is presented to Winthrop College [in 1923] by Prof. Herman F. Arnold + the score in 159 of + who wrote Dixie and was made the war tune of the south at the inauguration of Jefferson Davis Feb. 18th 1861 at Montgomery, Ala.” There is also a note stating that this score is “One of the Four Autograph Copies of the Score of Dixie.” Minnie Barker was curator of the Winthrop museum and the music score was displayed there until Tillman Science Building was razed in 1962 which housed the museum.
Dixie Music Score Collection - Accession 268 - M114 (146)
Dixie Music Score
Accession 268 - M114 (146)The “Dixie” Music Score Collection consists of two photographs of one of the four original autographed copies of the musical score Dixie which was presented to Winthrop College in 1923 by Professor Herman F. Arnold and a photograph of Professor Herman F. Arnold. The Dixie Score is inscribed "At the request of Miss Minnie Barker the copy of Dixie is presented to Winthrop College by Prof. Herman F. Arnold who wrote Dixie and was made the war tune of the south at the inauguration of Jefferson Davis Feb 18th 1861 at Montgomery, Ala." Minnie Barker was curator of the Winthrop museum and the music score was displayed there until Tillman Science Building was razed in 1962 which housed the museum. The collection also contains newspaper clippings and correspondence relating to the controversy surrounding Dixie and whether it is racially insensitive.
Dixson Family History - Accession 521 - M221 (268)
Dixson Family and Howard K. Dixson
Accession 521 - M221 (268)The Dixson Family History consists of a lineage chart that includes family history information on not only the Dixson family, but also the Kendall, Kee-Key and Gibson families, compiled by Howard K. Dixson.
William E. Dobbins Scrapbook - Accession 1337
William E. Dobbins
Accession 1337The William E. Dobbins Scrapbook is a World War II (WWII) era scrapbook that includes newspaper clippings about WWII largely pertaining to the Tenth Army Corp and the soldiers who fell, advertisements for purchase of war bonds, and articles concerning the Rhode Island semi-pro baseball League which was formed around 1942 which Bill Dobbins had aided in and concerning football star Irving “Shine” Hall, Jr. a halfback for Brown University and the New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles. Also, included are newspaper articles related to Staff Sergeant William E. Dobbins, V-Mail from friends and family during his service, and personal correspondence. Also included in the collection is a photograph included of William E. Dobbins in uniform ca1942.
Douglas and James Collection - Accession 1139
Katherine McDowell Douglas and Grace Douglas James
Accession 1139The Douglas and James Collection consists of diplomas, yearbooks, photographs, correspondence, and programs relating to the Winthrop College experience of Katherine McDowell Douglas (Class of 1891) and her daughter Grace Douglas James (Class of 1923). The photograph file provides a visual record of S.C. college life in the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The correspondence relates to Grace Douglas James’ graduation ceremony invitations of 1923 and 1924 and a personal letter and to Katherine McDowell Douglas’ travels with the women’s club to Davidson, NC. Photos relate to the various points in Katherine and Grace’s life in South Carolina and their graduation from Winthrop College. Both the diplomas of Katherine McDowell Douglas and Grace Douglas James are enclosed in the diploma folder. The Miscellaneous relates to a program from April 22, 1922 of a high school girls track meet, the program of Mabel Garrison of the Metropolitan Opera Company performing at the Winthrop Auditorium, the Baccalaureate Sermon given by Reverend Collins Denny on June 3, 1923, and the Class Day Exercises of Winthrop College on June 4, 1923. Four volumes of Winthrop’s yearbook the Tatler are included from 1920-1923 documenting the experiences of Grace Douglas James’ while she attended Winthrop College Volume 17 is dated for 1920, 1921 has no volume given, 1922 is volume 19, and 1923 is volume 23.
Downtown Parking Company of Rock Hill Records - Accession 329
Downtown Parking Company, Rock Hill
Accession 329This collection consist primarily of the charter, minutes, by-laws, stock certificates, and financial reports produced by the Downtown Parking Company of Rock Hill which was organized by the Downtown Development Association of Rock Hill The company appears to have been as much a vehicle for the Downtown Development Association to encourage shopping in the area as an investment and was run by the many prominent businessman of the area Rock Hill at the time.
The Downtown Development Association of Rock Hill is an eleemosynary corporation was organized on August 16, 1960 with the purpose of the organization “to foster and promote the revitalization and further development of the central business district of Rock Hill, and to thereby realize full participation in the expanding economy of our Piedmont area.”
The Downtown Parking Company of Rock Hill was organized “to engage commercially in the provision of convenient downtown parking facilities for customers of downtown business establishments, to lease, purchase or otherwise acquire sites for parking areas, and property, equipment and buildings necessary for operations thereon, to generally promote and encourage business in the downtown business area by advertisement or otherwise, to engage in any allied or incidental activities designed to further promote the primary purpose aforesaid, to borrow and lend money and give or receive security for such obligations, to invest surplus funds in proper securities or properties to be held for future use, and generally to buy, well, mortgage, improve, develop, hold and lease or rent real estate, buildings and personal property of all kinds and to exercise all such powers as are accorded to business corporations generally by virtue of law.”
Drennan Family Papers - Accession- 578 - M249 (298)
Drennan Family and Neely Family
Accession 578 - M249 (298)The Drennan Family Papers consists correspondence (Mr. Charles R. Bowman, 1984), notes, and a history titled "The Drennan Family: Early Families of Wilson County, Tennessee" relating to the Drennan family of Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Tennessee dating back to William Drennan in 1685. Also included are a few scanned copies of Bible entries that include Neelys and Drennans.
Sylvia K. Dreyfus Papers - Accession 1044
Sylvia Kohn Dreyfus
Accession 1044The Sylvia K. Dreyfus Papers consists of material collected by former South Carolina State Representative Sylvia K. Dreyfus. Sylvia was an educator and a state legislator from Greenville, SC. She was one of the last Democratic candidates to represent District No. 22, Greenville County in the State House when she was elected to serve from 1976 through 1978. She was also involved in many social committees and organizations. The Sylvia K. Dreyfus Papers consist of records relating to her time in office including the bill to allow prayer in schools. Other material pertains to social and political organizations she was affiliated with which includes meeting minutes and notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, articles, programs, legal reviews, flyers, pamphlets, brochures, and other records on issues that affected the state of South Carolina and Greenville in particular. The collection is organized alphabetically by subject.
Drummond Family Military Uniforms Collection - Accession 1572
Warren Howell Drummond, James Lamar Drummond, World War II, and World War I
Accession 1572The Drummond Family Military Uniforms Collection consists of uniforms worn by Warren Howell Drummond (1889-1950) and James Drummond. Warren Howell Drummond served in the US Navy during World War I and the collection contains his jacket, belt and pants. James Drummond served in the US Army during World War II and the collection contains green wool trench coat, pants, cap, uniform jackets, vest, and colored shirts. The Drummond family is from Woodruff, South Carolina.
Alvin Laroy Duckett Papers - Accession 36
Alvin Laroy Duckett
Accession 36The Alvin Laroy Duckett Papers consist of correspondence, lecture notes, reading lists, tests and newspaper clippings relating to Dr. Duckett’s position as a professor of history at Winthrop College (1950-1967). Also included is a thesis (1956) and a rough draft, final draft, and book reviews pertaining to his book John Forsyth: Political Tactician (1962). Although the papers range from 1941 to about 1966, the greater part of the collection concerns the years of his employment at Winthrop.
Annie V. Dunn Collection - Accession 1072 - M486 (537)
Annie Vredenburgh Dunn
Accession 1072 - M486 (537)The Annie V. Dunn collection consists of photographs, drawings, postcards, and other papers of Annie Vredenburgh Dunn (1876-1966) taught art at Winthrop College from 1907-1947 and was the first full-time art instructor and later became Head of the Art Department.
Annie V. Dunn Papers - Accession 1419
Annie Vredenburgh Dunn
Accession 1419The Annie Dunn Papers consist of a decorative tray, framed butterfly picture, Blue Willow plate, decorative tray, photographs, letters, pottery, a chair, and Winthrop memorabilia. Annie Vredenburgh Dunn (1876-1966) taught art at Winthrop College from 1907-1947 and was the first full-time art instructor and later became Head of the Art Department.
A South Carolina Rebel's Recollections - Accession 1195 - M563 (616)
Charles Stevens Dwight, American Civil War, and Confederate Veterans
Accession 1195 - M563 (616)This collections consists of a booklet titled A South Carolina Rebel’s Recollections: Personal Reminiscences of the Evacuation of Richmond and the Battle of Sailor’s Creek, April, 1865. Read before Camp Hampton’s U.C.V., Columbia, S.C. by Charles Stevens Dwight, Captain Corps of Engineers, Staff of Major General J. B. Kershaw published by The State Company in Columbia, S.C. in ca.1917. In this reminiscence, Captain Charles Stevens Dwight (1834-1921) discusses the evacuation of Richmond, VA and the Battle of Saylor’s Creek (Va.) in April, 1865. This publication had a limited print run of “One Hundred Fifty Copies Printed by his Friends for Private Circulation.”
Ebenezer Academy Photograph Collection - Accession 636 - M275 (325)
Ebenezer Academy
Accession 636 - M275 (325)The Ebenezer Academy Photograph Collection consists of four negatives and a contact sheet of photographs taken of the Academy by the Evening Herald for a segment titled "Directions."
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church of Rock Hill, South Carolina Records - Accession 700
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church
Accession 700This collection consists of records and historical information, pertaining to the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church of Rock Hill, South Carolina. The collection also contains information in family history, general history of the Rock Hill area and brief histories of related Presbyterian Churches of York, Chester and Lancaster counties. Ebenezer Presbyterian Church was founded around 1785 in what was then known as Ebenezerville, SC
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church Print - Accession 1411 - M696 (752)
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church
Accession 1411 - 696 (752)This collection consists of a print of the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Academy, and Cemetery as it looked around 1892. The print was produced by and signed by the artist Jack Bolin. It is numbered 52 out of 500. The print was produced in 1976 for the Rock Hill American Bicentennial Committee.
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church of Rock Hill History - Accession 561 - M246 (294)
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC
Accession 561 - M246 (294)The Ebenezer Presbyterian Church of Rock Hill History consists of a typescript sketch chronicling the history of the church from the 1780s to the 1980s of the church history written by J. Thomas Williams, Sr. (November 8, 1983). Subjects include living conditions of the early settlers, Catawba Indians, Bethel Presbyterian Church, the Reverend John Simpson, and Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church of Rock Hill Records - Accession 129 - M56 (71)
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Rock Hill, SC
Accession 129 - M56 (71)The Ebenezer Presbyterian Church of Rock Hill Records consist of a history of the church written in celebration of the new building and a sermon delivered by Reverend John C. Bailey at the first church services held in the new building dated September 4, 1955.
Edenfield Family Bible - Accession 1111
Edenfield Family, Creamer Family, Brooker Family, Jonson Family, and Bible
Accession 1111This collection consists of The Holy Bible Containing the old and New Testaments: Newly Translated Out of the original Tongues, And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised by his Majesty’s Special Command. Appointed to be Read in Churches printed in 1760 by Thomas Baskett, Oxford University. This bible was owned by the Edenfield Family and includes several family history entries throughout the Bible. Most include birth dates of family members and cover dates from 1746-1829. The family names included are: Edenfield; Brooker; Jonson; Creamer.