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Friday, April 24th

A Genealogy of the Criminalization of Poverty In America

Richard Lyda, Winthrop University

Faculty Mentor: Hye-sung Kim, Ph.D., and Michael Lipscomb, Ph.D.

Historic and Geographic Patterns of Genocide

Cheyenne Altman

Student Views on and Concerns Regarding Campus Safety

Jada Givens
Jasmine Ellis, Winthrop University

Faculty Mentor: Michael Sickels, Ph.D.

The American Opioid Epidemic

William Tomlin, Winthrop University

Faculty Mentor: Ginger Williams, Ph.D.

The Western Impact on Human Trafficking

Madison Ervin

Faculty Mentor: Ginger Williams, Ph.D.

Vindication? Grounds for the CIA’s Intervention of Guatemala, 1952—1954

Bowman H. Taylor, Winthrop University

Faculty Mentor: Gregory S. Crider, Ph.D.