The American Opioid Epidemic

Session Title



College of Arts and Sciences


Interdisciplinary Studies

Faculty Mentor

Ginger Williams, Ph.D.


America’s opioid epidemic is a complex, multifaceted issue that needs to be solved using an interdisciplinary approach. The American opioid epidemic is important because of the recent rise of deaths caused by opioids in America. The CDC states that opioids in America kill roughly 130 people every day. What are the best ways to combat the American opioid epidemic? In order to solve the opioid epidemic in America, we need to implement alternative pain management, stop overprescribing, curtail the illegal opioid market and better educate the public about the dangers of opioid use. The American opioid epidemic can be best combated by using the disciplines of education and psychology. Psychology and education are the two most qualified disciplines to solve the opioid epidemic in America because of their insights into addiction and opioid abuse. The discipline of education is most appropriate for combating the opioid epidemic because we need the public to know the dangers and risks involved when taking opioids. The discipline of psychology is most appropriate because of the insights it gives to addiction and how Americans view pain.

Course Assignment

IDVS 490 – Williams

Start Date

24-4-2020 12:00 AM

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Apr 24th, 12:00 AM

The American Opioid Epidemic

America’s opioid epidemic is a complex, multifaceted issue that needs to be solved using an interdisciplinary approach. The American opioid epidemic is important because of the recent rise of deaths caused by opioids in America. The CDC states that opioids in America kill roughly 130 people every day. What are the best ways to combat the American opioid epidemic? In order to solve the opioid epidemic in America, we need to implement alternative pain management, stop overprescribing, curtail the illegal opioid market and better educate the public about the dangers of opioid use. The American opioid epidemic can be best combated by using the disciplines of education and psychology. Psychology and education are the two most qualified disciplines to solve the opioid epidemic in America because of their insights into addiction and opioid abuse. The discipline of education is most appropriate for combating the opioid epidemic because we need the public to know the dangers and risks involved when taking opioids. The discipline of psychology is most appropriate because of the insights it gives to addiction and how Americans view pain.