Sharing a Meal: Character Development through Food in World Literature


Amanda Campbell, Winthrop University

Panel Title

Sharing a Meal: Character Development through Food in World Literature

Start Date

February 2019


Withers 113

Session Number

Session VIII


This panel looks at character development through food in world of literature.


world literature, character development

Your Title/College/Department/Program

Bailli Boyd, "Body Image and Insecurities: The Wife of Bath's Inner Turmoil"

Scarlet Black, "The Cook, the Miller, the Manciple, and the Reeve: Slaves to Their Food?"

Grey Atkins, "Ambrosia, Pomegranates, and the Purpose of Prayer: Food as a Bridge Between Worlds in Ancient Greek Myth"

Sean Able, "Food Throughout History: A Comparative Look at Ancient Spartan and Athenian Cuisine"

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Feb 23rd, 11:10 AM Feb 23rd, 12:25 PM

Sharing a Meal: Character Development through Food in World Literature

Withers 113

This panel looks at character development through food in world of literature.