Start Date
February 2019
Withers 107
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of a 16-week exercise program on inflammatory cytokines in human milk. The human milk samples were collected from 2003-2010 during two postpartum breastfeeding exercise interventions, the Breastfeeding for Healthy Infants and Postpartum (Be HIP) and Be HIP Too.
Inflammatory Markers, human milk, exercise, post-partum, pregnancy
Poster Number
The Effects of 16-Week Exercising Program on Inflammatory Markers in Human Milk
Withers 107
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of a 16-week exercise program on inflammatory cytokines in human milk. The human milk samples were collected from 2003-2010 during two postpartum breastfeeding exercise interventions, the Breastfeeding for Healthy Infants and Postpartum (Be HIP) and Be HIP Too.
Your Title/College/Department/Program
Senior, Undergraduate Student
North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University, Greensboro, NC
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Food and Nutritional Sciences