From Levitating Sherbet Balls to Mrs. Dursley's Pudding: Magical and Real Food in JK Rowling's Harry Potter Series
Leslie Bickford, Winthrop University
Panel Title
From Levitating Sherbet Balls to Mrs. Dursley's Pudding: Magical and Real Food in JK Rowling's Harry Potter Series
Start Date
February 2019
Session Number
Session VII
This panel explores the use of food in JK Rowling's Harry Potter series.
The Food in Harry Potter series
Feb 23rd, 9:45 AM
Feb 23rd, 11:00 AM
From Levitating Sherbet Balls to Mrs. Dursley's Pudding: Magical and Real Food in JK Rowling's Harry Potter Series
This panel explores the use of food in JK Rowling's Harry Potter series.
Your Title/College/Department/Program
Leslie Bickford, "Food as Commodity in the Harry Potter Series"
Lily Barfield, "HP: How Food is Used as a Measurement for Love"
Tori Reynolds, "The Nutritional Implications of Food in HP"
Sarah Costner, "The Consumption of Power and Friendship: Son Goku, Harry Potter, and the Generation Influenced by Their Journeys"