Major Uncontrollable, Major Forces

Submitting Student(s)

Emily Pardo

Session Title

Additional Projects


College of Visual and Performing Arts


Fine Arts


The series Major Uncontrollable, Technological Forces consists of the technological hold on a person’s attention and its grip on society. The series consists of four drawings and a sculptural piece placed in the center, in a near symmetrical fashion. The sculpture is my representation of a mysterious presence and the living embodiment of technology. This is presented using a humanoid face within a contained box. Lights and cords spew from the central figure, representing the power of technology and its influence on the media that we consume. Each piece is connected in a unified yet chaotic manner using the draping of cords and LED lights. These cords will drop to the floor, disrupting the space around the installation, creating an undeniable obstacle for the viewer to experience. The innermost drawings will consist of two human figures, being enveloped in a large yet complicated virtual reality headset, completely blinding them of their surroundings. This symbolizes humans' ever growing relationship with technology. The outermost drawings will be a representation of an untouched landscape, the placement is crucial in identifying the human's nonexistent relationship with the natural world. Major Uncontrollable, Technological Forces is influenced by my personal experience with technology and its control over our lives, including my own. This work presents the clear negligence of the environment and our obsession with the constant evolution and demand for new technology.

Start Date

15-4-2022 12:00 PM

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Apr 15th, 12:00 PM

Major Uncontrollable, Major Forces

The series Major Uncontrollable, Technological Forces consists of the technological hold on a person’s attention and its grip on society. The series consists of four drawings and a sculptural piece placed in the center, in a near symmetrical fashion. The sculpture is my representation of a mysterious presence and the living embodiment of technology. This is presented using a humanoid face within a contained box. Lights and cords spew from the central figure, representing the power of technology and its influence on the media that we consume. Each piece is connected in a unified yet chaotic manner using the draping of cords and LED lights. These cords will drop to the floor, disrupting the space around the installation, creating an undeniable obstacle for the viewer to experience. The innermost drawings will consist of two human figures, being enveloped in a large yet complicated virtual reality headset, completely blinding them of their surroundings. This symbolizes humans' ever growing relationship with technology. The outermost drawings will be a representation of an untouched landscape, the placement is crucial in identifying the human's nonexistent relationship with the natural world. Major Uncontrollable, Technological Forces is influenced by my personal experience with technology and its control over our lives, including my own. This work presents the clear negligence of the environment and our obsession with the constant evolution and demand for new technology.