Distracted Driving in South Carolina

Poster Number



College of Arts and Sciences


Mass Communication

Faculty Mentor

William Schulte, Ph.D.


Distracted driving is an issue that is plaguing the United States. There are many actions that can be considered distracting, making the road a dangerous place to be. As a resident of South Carolina, it was crucial to investigate how this issue is affecting South Carolina roads and its drivers. While there are laws in place, they are hard to enforce and as a result, the number of distracted driving incidents is grossly underreported. Through research of government documents and interviews, I uncovered what South Carolina law enforcement is doing to keep the roads safe and to hold drivers accountable for their actions. An in-depth with Captain Bobby Albert was valuable to my research, due to his position and his firsthand experience with South Carolina laws and drivers. Nationwide campaigns are bringing awareness to these issues and encouraging drivers in South Carolina and all across the United States to be more mindful behind the wheel, especially to avoid engaging with their cell phones while operating motor vehicles. While this is a growing issue that continues to be a challenge to enforce, South Carolina is taking the necessary steps to keep drivers and pedestrians as safe as possible. Ultimately, safe driving is the driver’s responsibility, and law enforcement just enforces the laws and regulations that are broken when a driver decides to be careless behind the wheel.

Course Assignment

MCOM 441 – Schulte

Start Date

20-4-2018 12:00 PM

End Date

20-4-2018 1:00 PM

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Apr 20th, 12:00 PM Apr 20th, 1:00 PM

Distracted Driving in South Carolina


Distracted driving is an issue that is plaguing the United States. There are many actions that can be considered distracting, making the road a dangerous place to be. As a resident of South Carolina, it was crucial to investigate how this issue is affecting South Carolina roads and its drivers. While there are laws in place, they are hard to enforce and as a result, the number of distracted driving incidents is grossly underreported. Through research of government documents and interviews, I uncovered what South Carolina law enforcement is doing to keep the roads safe and to hold drivers accountable for their actions. An in-depth with Captain Bobby Albert was valuable to my research, due to his position and his firsthand experience with South Carolina laws and drivers. Nationwide campaigns are bringing awareness to these issues and encouraging drivers in South Carolina and all across the United States to be more mindful behind the wheel, especially to avoid engaging with their cell phones while operating motor vehicles. While this is a growing issue that continues to be a challenge to enforce, South Carolina is taking the necessary steps to keep drivers and pedestrians as safe as possible. Ultimately, safe driving is the driver’s responsibility, and law enforcement just enforces the laws and regulations that are broken when a driver decides to be careless behind the wheel.