Life Within a Box


College of Visual and Performing Arts


Theatre & Dance

Faculty Mentor

Meg Schriffen, M.F.A.


Through dance, this piece explores limitations or, more specifically, the situation individuals face when they are put “in a box.” This "boxing in" can be of one's own doing, in the mind, or the doing of others, through words, actions, or societal expectations. I believe that in life there are many times when individuals think or are told what they can and cannot or should and should not do, which limits them from reaching their full potential. As unique individuals, we cannot be placed into neatly defined boxes. Through my choreography, I explore the act of being put in a box, the feelings one has when confined or limited, and the act of trying to escape one’s box. Movement is contrasted between bound and small and unrestricted and full to show the contrast between being confined in a box and free to explore.

Course Assignment

DANT 301 – Schriffen

Previously Presented/Performed?

Student Choreography Showcase, Winthrop University, April 2018

Start Date

20-4-2018 3:15 PM

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Apr 20th, 3:15 PM

Life Within a Box

Barnes Recital Hall

Through dance, this piece explores limitations or, more specifically, the situation individuals face when they are put “in a box.” This "boxing in" can be of one's own doing, in the mind, or the doing of others, through words, actions, or societal expectations. I believe that in life there are many times when individuals think or are told what they can and cannot or should and should not do, which limits them from reaching their full potential. As unique individuals, we cannot be placed into neatly defined boxes. Through my choreography, I explore the act of being put in a box, the feelings one has when confined or limited, and the act of trying to escape one’s box. Movement is contrasted between bound and small and unrestricted and full to show the contrast between being confined in a box and free to explore.