Textual Analysis and the Creative Decision-Making Process


College of Visual and Performing Arts


Theatre & Dance

Faculty Mentor

Sarah Provencal, M.F.A., and Daniel Gordon, M.F.A.


The role of the director in a production is one of exceptional leadership and decision-making. It is a labor of love that requires a plethora of choices. The director works with a multitude of other people serving on a creative team in order to craft and portray a piece of literature as a visual and interactive medium. When watching a production, one question can often be asked: “Why did the director make that decision?” These decisions are often based in textual analysis, discussions, and sometimes, pure instinct. This presentation will discuss the creative process, specifically around the play that I directed, Precious Little by Madeleine George. Through this play, I sought to explore ideas of communication, the implications of abortion, and the relationships that we craft and maintain with the people around us. In this presentation, I seek to explore and shed light on the production process, from the proposal of the show, to the production meetings, to rehearsals, and to the final, ephemeral production of the show.

Course Assignment

THRA 470 – Provencal

Start Date

20-4-2018 3:00 PM

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Apr 20th, 3:00 PM

Textual Analysis and the Creative Decision-Making Process

Barnes Recital Hall

The role of the director in a production is one of exceptional leadership and decision-making. It is a labor of love that requires a plethora of choices. The director works with a multitude of other people serving on a creative team in order to craft and portray a piece of literature as a visual and interactive medium. When watching a production, one question can often be asked: “Why did the director make that decision?” These decisions are often based in textual analysis, discussions, and sometimes, pure instinct. This presentation will discuss the creative process, specifically around the play that I directed, Precious Little by Madeleine George. Through this play, I sought to explore ideas of communication, the implications of abortion, and the relationships that we craft and maintain with the people around us. In this presentation, I seek to explore and shed light on the production process, from the proposal of the show, to the production meetings, to rehearsals, and to the final, ephemeral production of the show.