All Talk, But No Action: A Reexamination of Education in South Carolina’s “Corridor of Shame”


College of Business Administration


Accounting, Finance & Economics

Faculty Mentor

Laura Ullrich, Ph.D.


South Carolina’s “Corridor of Shame” is an area of rural and poverty-stricken communities that stretches along Interstate 95. This area has received large amounts of media attention since the release of a documentary, entitled Corridor of Shame – The Neglect of South Carolina’s Rural Schools, about it and a visit from then Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. In 2014, the Supreme Court of the State of South Carolina ruled that a “minimally adequate” education was not ensured for these school districts. However, no major legislative action has been taken to equalize the educational playing field. The purpose of this research project is to analyze whether or not changes were made that had positive effects on the overall quality of education. Examining different variables (e.g. poverty index, absolute rating, teacher salaries), and other available data shows that a “minimally adequate” education has still not been provided for all students and has contributed to the continuous economic instability in these areas.

Previously Presented/Performed?

SAEOPP McNair/SSS Scholars Research Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2017; McNair Research Symposium, Winthrop University, June 2017; PhD Project Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 2017

Grant Support?

Supported by a Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program grant from the U.S. Department of Education

Start Date

20-4-2018 12:45 PM

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Apr 20th, 12:45 PM

All Talk, But No Action: A Reexamination of Education in South Carolina’s “Corridor of Shame”

West 214

South Carolina’s “Corridor of Shame” is an area of rural and poverty-stricken communities that stretches along Interstate 95. This area has received large amounts of media attention since the release of a documentary, entitled Corridor of Shame – The Neglect of South Carolina’s Rural Schools, about it and a visit from then Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. In 2014, the Supreme Court of the State of South Carolina ruled that a “minimally adequate” education was not ensured for these school districts. However, no major legislative action has been taken to equalize the educational playing field. The purpose of this research project is to analyze whether or not changes were made that had positive effects on the overall quality of education. Examining different variables (e.g. poverty index, absolute rating, teacher salaries), and other available data shows that a “minimally adequate” education has still not been provided for all students and has contributed to the continuous economic instability in these areas.