Why I Love Winthrop
Richardson Ballroom – DiGiorgio Campus Center
Document Type
Start Date
28-6-2018 8:30 AM
Feeling a little down? Get pumped up with his rah-rah session from long-time Winthrop employee (and alumna!) April Hershey about why your Winthrop connection matters.
Presenter Bio
April Hershey, assistant to the dean of the Graduate School holds two degrees from Winthrop. Her undergraduate degree is in Political Science and Master of Liberal Arts. She has been an employee of Winthrop since 2002. Fun fact about April Hershey, she speaks German courtesy of a year abroad between high school and college, and speak it fluently after a few drinks.
Why I Love Winthrop
Richardson Ballroom – DiGiorgio Campus Center
Feeling a little down? Get pumped up with his rah-rah session from long-time Winthrop employee (and alumna!) April Hershey about why your Winthrop connection matters.