Date of Award


Document Type



College of Visual and Performing Arts

Degree Program

Fine Arts

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts

Thesis Advisor

Shaun Cassidy

Committee Member

Alfred Ward

Committee Member

Tom Stanley


Metaphors, Compression, Suspension, Heat, Pressure, Ceramics


This statement analyzes and reflects upon my Master of Fine Arts thesis exploration of material collision as a metaphor of my life experiences. The thesis exhibition, entitled “Equilibrium”, consists of six sculptural works constructed in glass, wood, metal, and repurposed heavy industrial objects. Within each individual piece I selected materials that would, when forced together under pressure and intense heat, bring attention to the utilization and exploitation of their inherent qualities. The manipulation of these material qualities has enabled me to express the complexity of human emotion. I am confident that all materials can convey certain emotional properties. During the fabrication, shaping, and forming of such a variety of materials I have attempted to exemplify personal reactions to events in my life, to search for meaning, and to understand my emotional response to the forms I have created.


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Included in

Fine Arts Commons
