Date of Award


Document Type



Richard W.Riley College of Education

Degree Name

Master of Science

Thesis Advisor

Dr. Janet Wojcik

Committee Member

Dr. Charlie Bowers

Committee Member

Dr. Joni Boyd


FreeMotion, strength, resistance, training, dumbbells, free weights


Resistance training has become a preferred method for developing muscular strength among various populations. A variety of resistance training modes are utilized by fitness enthusiasts who desire to obtain optimal strength improvements. However, there are mixed outcomes regarding strength superiority among training devices. The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in strength improvements between FreeMotion machine and free weight training. Eighteen college-aged, untrained women participated in the study. The subjects were randomly divided into a FreeMotion (FM) or free weight (FW) group. Both groups followed a nearly identical progressive strength training program on each of their training modes for an eight-week duration. Subjects were tested on their one-repetition max on a barbell bench press and one-repetition max on a barbell back squat before and after the intervention program. A repeated measures ANOVA was calculated to compare the one-repetition max values between groups. Significant increases in strength improvements were observed for both the FW and FM groups. Cohen’s effect size value indicated a moderate effect size for the 1-RM bench press (d=.56) and a moderate-large effect size for the 1-RM back squat (d=.73). No significant differences were found between groups for upper (p =.201) or lower (p =.816) body strength gains. The results of this study are beneficial for fitness professionals or inexperienced weight lifters who are seeking methods to improve their strength. This study also adds to the body of literature on FreeMotion machines.
