Bradley Witzel, Ph.D.
Special Education
College of Education
Counseling, Leadership, and Educational Studies
More than sixteen million children are currently living in poverty in the United States (NCCP, 2015). If these children fail to develop resilience, then they will continue to live in the cycle of generational poverty. Generational poverty is where a family continues to live in poverty from generation to generation. In order to develop resilience, strategies must be implemented within schools in order to nurture resilience in children. This research study focused on resiliency and instilling resiliency in children living in poverty. Knowledge from administrators, teachers, and parents was gathered in order to create strategies to instill resilience in children of poverty. Administrators, teachers, and parents that participated in this study were individuals from Title I schools. Title I schools are schools where at least 50% of the school is on free/reduced lunch. In order for a student to be placed on free/reduced lunch, the family must be making a low enough income and considered to be living in poverty. Literature on resilience was used in order to support the ideas of educational personnel and parents. Concepts found in both interviews and literature was combined in order to form strategies that can be implemented inside of a classroom. Four strategies were created using concepts found in the study.
Recommended Citation
Williamson, Alexis and Witzel, Bradley Steven
"Instilling Resilience in Children of Poverty,"
The Winthrop McNair Research Bulletin: Vol. 2, Article 13.
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