An Effective Format for Hybrid Courses


Matthew MetzgarFollow


Technology and Teaching, Innovative Teaching Strategies

Other Topic

Hybrid Teaching

Panel Title

Getting More Mileage With Hybrids

Session Abstract

A hybrid course format, with reduced face-to-face time, presents a number of teaching challenges. This session will describe the evolution of a successful teaching approach to hybrid courses.

A recent analysis showed how the studio teaching approach underlies many active pedagogies. Studio teaching generally consists of combining lecture, group problem-solving, and application activities all in one session. Transferring this approach to hybrid classes requires adaptations.

The author will highlight his recent hybrid MBA class which used a studio teaching approach. This format is not unique to MBA classes and can be transferred to a variety of courses. This session will share the building blocks of this successful format for hybrid courses.


hybrid courses, studio teaching, business


West Center 219

Start Date

24-3-2017 3:30 PM

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Mar 24th, 3:30 PM Mar 24th, 4:30 PM

An Effective Format for Hybrid Courses

West Center 219

A hybrid course format, with reduced face-to-face time, presents a number of teaching challenges. This session will describe the evolution of a successful teaching approach to hybrid courses.

A recent analysis showed how the studio teaching approach underlies many active pedagogies. Studio teaching generally consists of combining lecture, group problem-solving, and application activities all in one session. Transferring this approach to hybrid classes requires adaptations.

The author will highlight his recent hybrid MBA class which used a studio teaching approach. This format is not unique to MBA classes and can be transferred to a variety of courses. This session will share the building blocks of this successful format for hybrid courses.