The WUtopia! Effect

Session Type

Individual Paper/ Presentation (generally grouped with 2-3 others into a 75 minute session)


Technology and Teaching, Innovative Teaching Strategies

Session Abstract

The delivery of educational materials through an online platform is becoming increasingly prominent among universities worldwide; however, the presentation of this material often deviates from successful pedagogical strategies for online, or hybrid courses that are beginning to emerge. WUtipia!, first introduced to the campus community at the first annual TLC Conference, is an online learning platform that was developed at Winthrop as a collaborative undergraduate research project. This website was designed to provide educators a way to offer electronic video content in a way that promotes student interaction with the content and, consequently, enhance understanding and retention. Since its introduction two years ago, the site has undergone a major transformation that dramatically enhances the visual appeal and the capabilities of the website. This presentation will reintroduce WUtopia!; the main features of the student and instructors views will be highlighted with special emphasis on the steps you can take to try out the site. In addition, the results of the first WUtopia! Study, which explored the effectiveness of the learning platform, will be presented.


Flipped Classes, Online Learning, Resource Development


DiGiorgio Campus Center 221

Start Date

6-2-2016 2:55 PM

This document is currently not available here.


Feb 6th, 2:55 PM Feb 6th, 4:10 PM

The WUtopia! Effect

DiGiorgio Campus Center 221

The delivery of educational materials through an online platform is becoming increasingly prominent among universities worldwide; however, the presentation of this material often deviates from successful pedagogical strategies for online, or hybrid courses that are beginning to emerge. WUtipia!, first introduced to the campus community at the first annual TLC Conference, is an online learning platform that was developed at Winthrop as a collaborative undergraduate research project. This website was designed to provide educators a way to offer electronic video content in a way that promotes student interaction with the content and, consequently, enhance understanding and retention. Since its introduction two years ago, the site has undergone a major transformation that dramatically enhances the visual appeal and the capabilities of the website. This presentation will reintroduce WUtopia!; the main features of the student and instructors views will be highlighted with special emphasis on the steps you can take to try out the site. In addition, the results of the first WUtopia! Study, which explored the effectiveness of the learning platform, will be presented.