Evolution of Ethics in Psychological Research

Submitting Student(s)

Cheyenne Sola

Session Title

Poster Session 1

Faculty Mentor

Darren Ritzer, Ph.D.| Merry Sleigh, Ph.D.| Matthew Hayes, Ph.D.


College of Arts and Sciences




Ethics in research are constantly evolving to conform to everchanging societal norms. Many psychological advances can be traced to experiments that crossed ethical guidelines, including psychological and physical harm to subjects, deceiving participants, and denying them the right to withdraw from the study. However, researchers have replicated the results of these infamous experiments in various ways while still following ethical laws and guidelines, thus raising the question of why these guidelines were crossed in the first place. The purpose of this study is to review different research experiments that are deemed unethical and determine whether or not crossing these boundaries were warranted for the advancement of science by looking at experimental replications and their findings. While many argue some of these experiments were crucial in the development of psychology as a discipline, this case study determines that crossing these ethical boundaries was unjustified.

Honors Thesis Committee

Darren Ritzer, Ph.D., Merry Sleigh, Ph.D., Matthew Hayes, Ph.D.

Course Assignment

HONR451 – Lipscomb

Previously Presented/Performed?

Winthrop University Showcase of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors, Rock Hill, SC, April 2023.

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

Start Date

15-4-2023 12:00 PM

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 15th, 12:00 PM

Evolution of Ethics in Psychological Research

Ethics in research are constantly evolving to conform to everchanging societal norms. Many psychological advances can be traced to experiments that crossed ethical guidelines, including psychological and physical harm to subjects, deceiving participants, and denying them the right to withdraw from the study. However, researchers have replicated the results of these infamous experiments in various ways while still following ethical laws and guidelines, thus raising the question of why these guidelines were crossed in the first place. The purpose of this study is to review different research experiments that are deemed unethical and determine whether or not crossing these boundaries were warranted for the advancement of science by looking at experimental replications and their findings. While many argue some of these experiments were crucial in the development of psychology as a discipline, this case study determines that crossing these ethical boundaries was unjustified.