Prevention and Rehabilitation of Ankle Injuries in Volleyball Athletes

Poster Number


Session Title

Poster Session 2


College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

Janet Wojcik, Ph.D.


Volleyball is one of the most high risk sports to play for ankle injuries. The game requires lots of momentum to get to the ball and specific technique when approaching different plays. Having an athlete to be put through a program to minimize injury will keep them on the court and help with risk prevention, so that the player is able to continue with the sport. Injury prevention is important for any type of physical activity or exercise an individual is participating in so that they are safe and healthy. Rehabilitation is used as well for improved mobility post-injury in the patient and to potentially achieve better performance in their skill. This presentation will discuss what steps can be taken to prevent and rehabilitate volleyball injuries to help avoid permanent disability and for injured athletes to get back into their pre-injury state.

Course Assignment

PESH 381 - Wojcik

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

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Prevention and Rehabilitation of Ankle Injuries in Volleyball Athletes

Volleyball is one of the most high risk sports to play for ankle injuries. The game requires lots of momentum to get to the ball and specific technique when approaching different plays. Having an athlete to be put through a program to minimize injury will keep them on the court and help with risk prevention, so that the player is able to continue with the sport. Injury prevention is important for any type of physical activity or exercise an individual is participating in so that they are safe and healthy. Rehabilitation is used as well for improved mobility post-injury in the patient and to potentially achieve better performance in their skill. This presentation will discuss what steps can be taken to prevent and rehabilitate volleyball injuries to help avoid permanent disability and for injured athletes to get back into their pre-injury state.