Creatine Effects on Older Adults

Poster Number


Session Title

Poster Session 2


College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

Janet Wojcik, Ph.D.


Creatine Effects on Older Adults There are many factors that key into why the human body stops functioning properly as age progresses. Diet and nutrition will affect one's cognitive ability and muscle function as far as how well they will perform exercise and maintain quality of life as age increases. Many older adults tend to accept that their bodies will begin to stop functioning properly and not do the bare minimum to prolong this from happening. In most cases, adults that have minor issues with their health often turn to prescription medication before attempting to resolve the issue with non-pharmacological interventions. There are also numerous misconceptions about dietary supplements such as vitamins, protein, and creatine. Adults must be educated about supplements that will help their bodies function as they get older. Creatine is said to help not only muscle function, but also cognitive ability in older adults. This presentation will consist of the mechanisms of creatine ingestion and how it will benefit older adults who implement the use of it into their regular diet and exercise training programs.

Course Assignment

EXSC 381 - Wojcik

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

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Creatine Effects on Older Adults

Creatine Effects on Older Adults There are many factors that key into why the human body stops functioning properly as age progresses. Diet and nutrition will affect one's cognitive ability and muscle function as far as how well they will perform exercise and maintain quality of life as age increases. Many older adults tend to accept that their bodies will begin to stop functioning properly and not do the bare minimum to prolong this from happening. In most cases, adults that have minor issues with their health often turn to prescription medication before attempting to resolve the issue with non-pharmacological interventions. There are also numerous misconceptions about dietary supplements such as vitamins, protein, and creatine. Adults must be educated about supplements that will help their bodies function as they get older. Creatine is said to help not only muscle function, but also cognitive ability in older adults. This presentation will consist of the mechanisms of creatine ingestion and how it will benefit older adults who implement the use of it into their regular diet and exercise training programs.