Black Woman's Activism in the Civil Rights Movement and the LGBTQ Movement

Session Title

Additional Abstracts


College of Arts and Sciences


Political Science

Faculty Mentor

Jennifer Disney, Ph.D.; Michael Lipscomb, Ph.D.


My paper will explore black women’s activist roles within the Civil Rights Movement through an examination of the Christian Church. Black women have been at the forefront of boycotts and exercised leadership roles within the church and organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). I will also look at black women and their activism through the Christian Church when it comes to activism for the LGBTQ community. Black women have been advocates, speakers, and allies of the LGBTQ community. I will examine how black women were seen historically and how they participated throughout the Civil Rights Movement. Lastly, I will look into more modern LGBTQ activism that black women have contributed to, exploring the extent to which such activism ties into religion.

Course Assignment

PLSC 490 - Disney and Lipscomb

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Black Woman's Activism in the Civil Rights Movement and the LGBTQ Movement

My paper will explore black women’s activist roles within the Civil Rights Movement through an examination of the Christian Church. Black women have been at the forefront of boycotts and exercised leadership roles within the church and organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). I will also look at black women and their activism through the Christian Church when it comes to activism for the LGBTQ community. Black women have been advocates, speakers, and allies of the LGBTQ community. I will examine how black women were seen historically and how they participated throughout the Civil Rights Movement. Lastly, I will look into more modern LGBTQ activism that black women have contributed to, exploring the extent to which such activism ties into religion.