Exploring Sustainability in Design - Seaology and Desert Haven Hotel

Submitting Student(s)

Lucy MusselmanFollow

Session Title

Creative Expressions-Session 2

Faculty Mentor

Sangwon Sohn, NCIDQ, sohns@winthrop.edu


College of Arts and Sciences



Faculty Mentor

Sangwon Sohn, NCIDQ


Sustainability has become an increasingly popular buzzword in the design field for the past 30 years or so. As the human population steadily grows, so does the need for new buildings for this population to reside, work, and exist in. Additionally, with the awareness of the planet’s health in regards to human activity, architects, designers, and engineers are challenged with creating these spaces in ways that leave significantly less of an environmental footprint than the ones before it. Through the use of ethically sourced materials, energy and water-saving technology, and Green Building standards have been put in place, modern buildings such as Seaology and Desert Haven Hotel are not only tackling the concept of sustainability but also creating pivotal examples for future green buildings.

Seaology is an Ocean Education and Conservation Center in Myrtle Beach, SC whose mission is to educate the public on the importance of the ocean as well as raise awareness on the growing threats the ocean faces such as climate change. Desert Haven Hotel, pictured, is a boutique hotel in Sedona, AZ offering guests a unique and modern southwestern experience, inspired by the Pueblo style originating from the area as well as the surrounding landscape. Both of these spaces are deeply connected with the natural world and have roots in sustainable design to help preserve the natural aspects inspiring them. By doing so, these spaces work to spread awareness on the importance of sustainability and can encourage the public to be part of the solution.

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Course Assignment

INDS 488 - Sohn

Start Date

16-4-2021 1:06 PM

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Apr 16th, 1:06 PM

Exploring Sustainability in Design - Seaology and Desert Haven Hotel

Sustainability has become an increasingly popular buzzword in the design field for the past 30 years or so. As the human population steadily grows, so does the need for new buildings for this population to reside, work, and exist in. Additionally, with the awareness of the planet’s health in regards to human activity, architects, designers, and engineers are challenged with creating these spaces in ways that leave significantly less of an environmental footprint than the ones before it. Through the use of ethically sourced materials, energy and water-saving technology, and Green Building standards have been put in place, modern buildings such as Seaology and Desert Haven Hotel are not only tackling the concept of sustainability but also creating pivotal examples for future green buildings.

Seaology is an Ocean Education and Conservation Center in Myrtle Beach, SC whose mission is to educate the public on the importance of the ocean as well as raise awareness on the growing threats the ocean faces such as climate change. Desert Haven Hotel, pictured, is a boutique hotel in Sedona, AZ offering guests a unique and modern southwestern experience, inspired by the Pueblo style originating from the area as well as the surrounding landscape. Both of these spaces are deeply connected with the natural world and have roots in sustainable design to help preserve the natural aspects inspiring them. By doing so, these spaces work to spread awareness on the importance of sustainability and can encourage the public to be part of the solution.