A Look Into Assaults in the US Prison System

Submitting Student(s)

Taylor EvansFollow

Faculty Mentor

One WU mentor: William Schulte, Ph.D


College of Arts and Sciences


Mass Communication


The American prison system is a well-known, but often private, organization. Many prisons, in this country, are for-profit organizations and blur the line of punishment versus rehabilitation. Although there is a general understanding of the complex system, many citizens don’t know the statistics and facts. Assaults in the prison system happen every day without the public’s knowledge. Over two million people are in prison right now, with around 80,000 of those people reporting assaults annually. This investigative report educates the public on the prison system using open records, pubic documents and Freedom of Information Act Requests. Records requests were issued to specific detention centers in South Carolina for incident reports within their facilities. Interviews were conducted with people who have worked for prisons and have with those who have been incarcerated in the system. Analysis of the responses demonstrated a notable amount of violence happening in local facilities, but also how victims of violence can receive help.

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Course Assignment

MCOM 441- Schulte

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

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A Look Into Assaults in the US Prison System

The American prison system is a well-known, but often private, organization. Many prisons, in this country, are for-profit organizations and blur the line of punishment versus rehabilitation. Although there is a general understanding of the complex system, many citizens don’t know the statistics and facts. Assaults in the prison system happen every day without the public’s knowledge. Over two million people are in prison right now, with around 80,000 of those people reporting assaults annually. This investigative report educates the public on the prison system using open records, pubic documents and Freedom of Information Act Requests. Records requests were issued to specific detention centers in South Carolina for incident reports within their facilities. Interviews were conducted with people who have worked for prisons and have with those who have been incarcerated in the system. Analysis of the responses demonstrated a notable amount of violence happening in local facilities, but also how victims of violence can receive help.