Queer Joy :)

Submitting Student(s)

Eli McHoneFollow

Session Title

Creative Expressions-Session 1

Faculty Mentor

Jason Tselentis, M.F.A.; Jesse Weser, M.A.; tselentisj@winthrop.edu; weserj@winthrop.edu;


College of Visual and Performing Arts



Faculty Mentor

Jason Tselentis, M.F.A.; Jesse Weser, M.A.;


Throughout this project I established a creative practice that encourages spreading joy and taking care of each other. My research focuses on my personal journey as a queer person, how people across the spectrum of identity can relate to my work, new materials and methods of working, and kissing boys and thinking about it really hard. My thesis is a collection of work that aims to share queer joy through illustration, design, videomaking, collaboration, and physical objects. I hope to share the relationship that I have with queerness and how queer liberation and acceptance can benefit all people.

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Start Date

16-4-2021 12:06 PM

Queer_Joy_Presentation.pdf (4413 kB)
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Apr 16th, 12:06 PM

Queer Joy :)

Throughout this project I established a creative practice that encourages spreading joy and taking care of each other. My research focuses on my personal journey as a queer person, how people across the spectrum of identity can relate to my work, new materials and methods of working, and kissing boys and thinking about it really hard. My thesis is a collection of work that aims to share queer joy through illustration, design, videomaking, collaboration, and physical objects. I hope to share the relationship that I have with queerness and how queer liberation and acceptance can benefit all people.