Gender Equity in Leadership in Sports

Poster Number


Submitting Student(s)

Taylor AndersonFollow

Faculty Mentor

Janet Wojcik, Ph.D.;


College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

Janet Wojcik, Ph.D.


In the past there were a lot of women in the exercise and sports psychology field that were being overlooked. Examples include Joan Duda, Deborah Feltz, Diane Gill, Penny McCullagh, Carole Oglesby, Tara Scanlan, Maureen Weiss, and Jean Williams, who are eight trailblazing women who contributed substantially to exercise and sports psychology field. Even though women achieved so many accomplishments they may have received less acknowledgment . Women would only be recognized if their work had a significant impact. As look in the different fields today there are very few women. For example, in strength and conditioning it is male dominated. tendto see more men than women. This presentation will discuss gender gaps in coaching and leadership positions in sports, and recommended strategies to increase gender equity in these positions.

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Course Assignment

Pesh 321- Wojcik

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

Start Date

16-4-2021 3:00 PM

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Apr 16th, 3:00 PM

Gender Equity in Leadership in Sports

In the past there were a lot of women in the exercise and sports psychology field that were being overlooked. Examples include Joan Duda, Deborah Feltz, Diane Gill, Penny McCullagh, Carole Oglesby, Tara Scanlan, Maureen Weiss, and Jean Williams, who are eight trailblazing women who contributed substantially to exercise and sports psychology field. Even though women achieved so many accomplishments they may have received less acknowledgment . Women would only be recognized if their work had a significant impact. As look in the different fields today there are very few women. For example, in strength and conditioning it is male dominated. tendto see more men than women. This presentation will discuss gender gaps in coaching and leadership positions in sports, and recommended strategies to increase gender equity in these positions.