The Impact of Physical and Mental Health in Rehabilitation in Athletes

Poster Number


Submitting Student(s)

Rodney OldhamFollow

Faculty Mentor

Janet Wojcik, Ph.D.;


College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

Janet Wojcik, Ph.D.


Mental health is a topic that is often ignored, especially for those that are athletes. Many athletes spend almost all their time focused on their sports, giving 100% effort to be the best player that they can be, and in a split second it can all be taken away. Injuries make up a large part of any sport and are in most cases uncontrollable. When athletes get injured, there are a lot of emotions that they feel, including sadness, guilt, and anger. So much that some begin to acquire mental health problems, and an athletes’ state of mental health can impact how they recover from their injuries in rehabilitation settings. This presentation will discuss the affects of how injuries impact the athletes psychologically, as well as possible solutions that can be used to keep the athletes motivated while rehabilitating including uplifting the athletes, setting goals to strive for, positive self-talk, and mental imagery.

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Course Assignment

PESH 381 - Wojcik

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

Start Date

16-4-2021 12:30 PM

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Apr 16th, 12:30 PM

The Impact of Physical and Mental Health in Rehabilitation in Athletes

Mental health is a topic that is often ignored, especially for those that are athletes. Many athletes spend almost all their time focused on their sports, giving 100% effort to be the best player that they can be, and in a split second it can all be taken away. Injuries make up a large part of any sport and are in most cases uncontrollable. When athletes get injured, there are a lot of emotions that they feel, including sadness, guilt, and anger. So much that some begin to acquire mental health problems, and an athletes’ state of mental health can impact how they recover from their injuries in rehabilitation settings. This presentation will discuss the affects of how injuries impact the athletes psychologically, as well as possible solutions that can be used to keep the athletes motivated while rehabilitating including uplifting the athletes, setting goals to strive for, positive self-talk, and mental imagery.