Athletic Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation and Optimism

Victoria King


Ankle sprains are a prevalent athletic injury. It is an injury that inflicts damage on the fibers of the anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, and posterior talofibular ligament. The RICE method and reintegration to sport are common treatments for ankle sprain rehabilitation. The phases of rehabilitation have been recommended as reaction to injury, reaction to rehabilitation, and reaction to return to sport. Previous studies have identified the need for psychological integration into rehabilitation, allowing for holistic care. Optimism, the expectation of positive outcomes is a specific psychological trait linked to the phases of rehabilitation. Although optimism is linked to rehabilitation, little research has been conducted. The impact of optimism on athletic ankle sprain rehabilitation is discussed in this review. It is theorized that higher levels of optimism will benefit athletes’ recovery from ankle sprain injuries.

Apr 16th, 11:30 AM

Athletic Ankle Sprain Rehabilitation and Optimism

Ankle sprains are a prevalent athletic injury. It is an injury that inflicts damage on the fibers of the anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, and posterior talofibular ligament. The RICE method and reintegration to sport are common treatments for ankle sprain rehabilitation. The phases of rehabilitation have been recommended as reaction to injury, reaction to rehabilitation, and reaction to return to sport. Previous studies have identified the need for psychological integration into rehabilitation, allowing for holistic care. Optimism, the expectation of positive outcomes is a specific psychological trait linked to the phases of rehabilitation. Although optimism is linked to rehabilitation, little research has been conducted. The impact of optimism on athletic ankle sprain rehabilitation is discussed in this review. It is theorized that higher levels of optimism will benefit athletes’ recovery from ankle sprain injuries.