Problems with the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement in Comparison with NBA and MLB Collective Bargaining Agreements

Poster Number


Session Title

Sports and Fandom


College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

Jinwook (Jason) Chung, Ph.D.


The purpose of this research was to investigate the plague of three major league sports groups (e.g., NFL, NBA, MLB) and possibly find solutions to create better collective bargaining agreements. Research questions included “Are there problems with the lack of guaranteed contracts in the NFL?” and “How can the revenue split between NFL players and owners be changed, so that players can make more money?” These were major problems in the NFL that the NBA and MLB have been successful at combating. Therefore, investigating and benchmarking the NBA and MLB enabled examination of the NFL’s collective bargaining agreement. The analysis conducted was to compare what these leagues are doing now and what the NFL could do to fix these problems, which could help reduce the plagues that impact the growth of the league and its fan base.

Start Date

24-4-2020 12:00 AM

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Apr 24th, 12:00 AM

Problems with the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement in Comparison with NBA and MLB Collective Bargaining Agreements

The purpose of this research was to investigate the plague of three major league sports groups (e.g., NFL, NBA, MLB) and possibly find solutions to create better collective bargaining agreements. Research questions included “Are there problems with the lack of guaranteed contracts in the NFL?” and “How can the revenue split between NFL players and owners be changed, so that players can make more money?” These were major problems in the NFL that the NBA and MLB have been successful at combating. Therefore, investigating and benchmarking the NBA and MLB enabled examination of the NFL’s collective bargaining agreement. The analysis conducted was to compare what these leagues are doing now and what the NFL could do to fix these problems, which could help reduce the plagues that impact the growth of the league and its fan base.