Examining Travel Motives of College Football Away Games

Poster Number


Session Title

Sports and Fandom


College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

Jinwook (Jason) Chung, Ph.D.


College football requires attendees to dedicate their free time to be in attendance. For college football away games, attendees have to dedicate more free time than for home games due to traveling. External and internal motives both play a key part in whether spectators decide to travel to a college football away game. The lack of research provided on spectator motivation to travel to away games drove this research idea. With decreased attendance becoming an issue in college football, this study can provide useful information to various athletic departments. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis. 176 participants participated in this research. Results showed that factors related to expense were the most important ones considered by college football fans. Therefore, college athletics needs to understand the fans’ willingness to spend more monetarily on traveling to away games.

Start Date

24-4-2020 12:00 AM

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Apr 24th, 12:00 AM

Examining Travel Motives of College Football Away Games

College football requires attendees to dedicate their free time to be in attendance. For college football away games, attendees have to dedicate more free time than for home games due to traveling. External and internal motives both play a key part in whether spectators decide to travel to a college football away game. The lack of research provided on spectator motivation to travel to away games drove this research idea. With decreased attendance becoming an issue in college football, this study can provide useful information to various athletic departments. Data were analyzed using quantitative analysis. 176 participants participated in this research. Results showed that factors related to expense were the most important ones considered by college football fans. Therefore, college athletics needs to understand the fans’ willingness to spend more monetarily on traveling to away games.