Poster Number


Submitting Student(s)

Taylor CharltonFollow

Session Title

Sports Injuries


College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

David Schary, Ph.D.


Shoulder and elbow injuries are extremely common in baseball pitchers due to overuse and extreme stress. To assess the risk factors for these injuries, adolescents were chosen to complete testing on strength and range of motion. Many pitchers do not pay attention to the risk of injury while playing, but the longer they pitch without prevention programs, the higher their risks for future injury. The literature finds that posterior shoulder weakness and rotator cuff weakness are the leading causes of injury in adolescent pitchers. Athletic trainers, coaches, and/or parents have the ability to take athletes through prevention programs with the goal of strengthening weak aspects of the shoulder and elbow. This presentation will discuss how weaknesses in the shoulder and elbow increase injury risk, and how prevention programs can lower the risk of injury.

Course Assignment

PESH 381 – Schary

Start Date

24-4-2020 12:00 AM


Apr 24th, 12:00 AM

Shoulder and Elbow Injury Prevention in Baseball Pitchers

Shoulder and elbow injuries are extremely common in baseball pitchers due to overuse and extreme stress. To assess the risk factors for these injuries, adolescents were chosen to complete testing on strength and range of motion. Many pitchers do not pay attention to the risk of injury while playing, but the longer they pitch without prevention programs, the higher their risks for future injury. The literature finds that posterior shoulder weakness and rotator cuff weakness are the leading causes of injury in adolescent pitchers. Athletic trainers, coaches, and/or parents have the ability to take athletes through prevention programs with the goal of strengthening weak aspects of the shoulder and elbow. This presentation will discuss how weaknesses in the shoulder and elbow increase injury risk, and how prevention programs can lower the risk of injury.


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