Submitting Student(s)

Alexis SimmonsFollow

Session Title

Design and Fine Arts


College of Visual and Performing Arts



Faculty Mentor

Jason Tselentis, M.F.A., and Elizabeth Dulemba, M.F.A.


Death Bakes Piestells the story of a student from my point of view, a student who struggles with mental health and burnout. These tongue-in-cheek stories, shown as webcomics, feature myself and a supporting character named Death. The latter is an ironic analog for the emotional support systems and positive relationships necessary to stave off depression and apathy caused by burnout. As much as this thesis is about the end product, it’s also about the process. A large inspiration for this project sprouted from my struggles working on, and procrastinating on, my personal thesis project. And so, a component of the project was finding successful methods of remaining productive and rekindling the joy I originally felt in illustration. Accessibility and ease of understanding are important components, as well. My experiences are something anyone could go through and many people do go through. I want to present my work in an unpretentious, approachable manner. I want people to see parts of themselves in my experiences.

Course Assignment

VCOM 486, 487 – Tselentis

Start Date

24-4-2020 12:00 AM


Apr 24th, 12:00 AM

Death Bakes Pies: An Exploration of Creative Burnout and Procrastination

Death Bakes Piestells the story of a student from my point of view, a student who struggles with mental health and burnout. These tongue-in-cheek stories, shown as webcomics, feature myself and a supporting character named Death. The latter is an ironic analog for the emotional support systems and positive relationships necessary to stave off depression and apathy caused by burnout. As much as this thesis is about the end product, it’s also about the process. A large inspiration for this project sprouted from my struggles working on, and procrastinating on, my personal thesis project. And so, a component of the project was finding successful methods of remaining productive and rekindling the joy I originally felt in illustration. Accessibility and ease of understanding are important components, as well. My experiences are something anyone could go through and many people do go through. I want to present my work in an unpretentious, approachable manner. I want people to see parts of themselves in my experiences.


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