“What’s Yours Is Mine If I Pull Hard Enough”: Neo-Colonialism in Africa By China

Session Title

Political Science


College of Arts and Sciences


Political Science

Faculty Mentor

Christopher Van Aller, Ph.D., and Adolphus Belk, Ph.D.


This research looks at whether China is engaged in neo-colonialism in Africa. China seems to be attempting to take advantage of a power vacuum created by the withdrawal of western powers inside of Africa. This is not something that has occurred out of nowhere. China has constantly engaged in activities over the years that reveal a pattern of exploitation rather than mutually beneficial economic development.

Start Date

24-4-2020 12:00 AM

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Apr 24th, 12:00 AM

“What’s Yours Is Mine If I Pull Hard Enough”: Neo-Colonialism in Africa By China

This research looks at whether China is engaged in neo-colonialism in Africa. China seems to be attempting to take advantage of a power vacuum created by the withdrawal of western powers inside of Africa. This is not something that has occurred out of nowhere. China has constantly engaged in activities over the years that reveal a pattern of exploitation rather than mutually beneficial economic development.