Examination of Fan Behavior at Youth Sporting Events


College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

Jinwook (Jason) Chung, Ph.D.


The purpose of this research was to observe the fan behavior at youth sporting events, focusing on what causes fans to act the way they do at these events. Survey partipants consisted of attendees at youth sporting events in the past six months, typically parents of youth athletes. The results of this research indicated that a coach showing favoritism toward a player influenced fans’ aggressive and upsetting behavior about the youth sporting event. Kids being yelled at during the game was also a significant factor. This study can help sports managers at youth events to understand the impact of a negative environment created by various factors.

Start Date

24-4-2020 12:00 AM

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Apr 24th, 12:00 AM

Examination of Fan Behavior at Youth Sporting Events

The purpose of this research was to observe the fan behavior at youth sporting events, focusing on what causes fans to act the way they do at these events. Survey partipants consisted of attendees at youth sporting events in the past six months, typically parents of youth athletes. The results of this research indicated that a coach showing favoritism toward a player influenced fans’ aggressive and upsetting behavior about the youth sporting event. Kids being yelled at during the game was also a significant factor. This study can help sports managers at youth events to understand the impact of a negative environment created by various factors.