
Session Title



College of Visual and Performing Arts


Theatre & Dance

Faculty Mentor

Julianna Hane, M.F.A.


This choreographic piece stems from research conducted through movement on how individuals of our world treat each other on a daily basis. Whether positive or negative, the way humanity interacts can be seen as truly bizarre. Today, there are a number of ways to interact with others, including through social media, text messaging, video chatting, and written communication such as letters. In order for our society to flourish, we rely on these communications, which prove to be both positive and negative. The following questions came to mind when creating this piece. Are our interactions helpful, harmful, or neither? Can our communications be considered a strength? Or is it a downfall on humanity's part? How do we react to our interactions? Do we normalize our interactions, whether positive or negative? How does this affect our society? I hope that through viewing this piece, viewers begin to question their everyday interactions with friends, family, coworkers, or even strangers on the street. What can changing the way we interact with others in society do for our world? This quote from David Yoom helps to bring perspective to the idea behind this piece: "Humanity's greatest strength – and also the reason for its ultimate downfall – is its ability to normalize even the bizarre."

Course Assignment

DANA 442 – Hane

Previously Presented/Performed?

Senior Choreography Showcase, Winthrop University, November 2019; American College Dance Association Southeast Regional Conference, Florida State University, March 2020; Sixth Annual Showcase of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors (SOURCE), Winthrop University, April 2020

Start Date

24-4-2020 12:00 AM

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Apr 24th, 12:00 AM


This choreographic piece stems from research conducted through movement on how individuals of our world treat each other on a daily basis. Whether positive or negative, the way humanity interacts can be seen as truly bizarre. Today, there are a number of ways to interact with others, including through social media, text messaging, video chatting, and written communication such as letters. In order for our society to flourish, we rely on these communications, which prove to be both positive and negative. The following questions came to mind when creating this piece. Are our interactions helpful, harmful, or neither? Can our communications be considered a strength? Or is it a downfall on humanity's part? How do we react to our interactions? Do we normalize our interactions, whether positive or negative? How does this affect our society? I hope that through viewing this piece, viewers begin to question their everyday interactions with friends, family, coworkers, or even strangers on the street. What can changing the way we interact with others in society do for our world? This quote from David Yoom helps to bring perspective to the idea behind this piece: "Humanity's greatest strength – and also the reason for its ultimate downfall – is its ability to normalize even the bizarre."