Understanding Growth in York County: Using Geospatial Technologies to Understand Lake Wylie's Rapid Growth

Poster Number



College of Arts and Sciences


Interdisciplinary Studies

Faculty Mentor

Bryan McFadden, M.S.


The purpose of this project is to conduct research on the rapid growth that is happening in Lake Wylie, South Carolina, which is in an unincorporated area of York County, using geospatial technologies. Lake Wylie is seeing tremendous growth, and there are several questions that I have about Lake Wylie and what is causing the growth. Some of these questions that I wanted to research are why is there so much traffic in the Lake Wylie area? What is the population of Lake Wylie, and how significantly has it changed within the last 10 years? Is the growth that Lake Wylie is seeing positive or negative to the community? Are more jobs being added in the Lake Wylie area? Is the growth that is happening in Lake Wylie the kind of growth that York County foresees in its comprehensive plan? Using geospatial technologies and geographic information systems to get data, such as vector data collected by York County and remotely sensed data from the United States Geological Survey in the unincorporated areas, we can see that growth is happening in Lake Wylie and the landscape is changing very quickly. These geospatial technologies can tell us things such as where vegetation is declining because of new houses and businesses, etc., and also how supportive or unsupportive the infrastructure is in the Lake Wylie area. We can compare all of these data to the York County comprehensive land use plan to see if the vision for Lake Wylie is becoming a reality.

Course Assignment

GEOG 471 – McFadden

Start Date

12-4-2019 2:15 PM

End Date

April 2019

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Apr 12th, 2:15 PM Apr 12th, 4:15 PM

Understanding Growth in York County: Using Geospatial Technologies to Understand Lake Wylie's Rapid Growth

Richardson Ballroom – DiGiorgio Campus Center

The purpose of this project is to conduct research on the rapid growth that is happening in Lake Wylie, South Carolina, which is in an unincorporated area of York County, using geospatial technologies. Lake Wylie is seeing tremendous growth, and there are several questions that I have about Lake Wylie and what is causing the growth. Some of these questions that I wanted to research are why is there so much traffic in the Lake Wylie area? What is the population of Lake Wylie, and how significantly has it changed within the last 10 years? Is the growth that Lake Wylie is seeing positive or negative to the community? Are more jobs being added in the Lake Wylie area? Is the growth that is happening in Lake Wylie the kind of growth that York County foresees in its comprehensive plan? Using geospatial technologies and geographic information systems to get data, such as vector data collected by York County and remotely sensed data from the United States Geological Survey in the unincorporated areas, we can see that growth is happening in Lake Wylie and the landscape is changing very quickly. These geospatial technologies can tell us things such as where vegetation is declining because of new houses and businesses, etc., and also how supportive or unsupportive the infrastructure is in the Lake Wylie area. We can compare all of these data to the York County comprehensive land use plan to see if the vision for Lake Wylie is becoming a reality.