Dynamics of an HIV-1 Virotherapy Model

Poster Number



College of Arts and Sciences




In this project, we extend the work done this summer on the dynamics of an HIV-1 virotherapy model. We now consider a model with six equations, disregarding the number of free HIV virions in the system. We establish the existence of disease-free, single-infection, and double-infection equilibrium points. We use Lyapunov functions to determine the global stability of the disease-free and single-infection equilibrium points. We also calculate the basic reproductive ratios for both the HIV virus and recombinant virus. We explore the stability of the double-infection equilibrium point using numerical simulations. We finish with a discussion of the viability of virotherapy as a possible treatment for HIV-1.

Honors Thesis Committee

Kristen Abernathy, Ph.D.; Trent Kull, Ph.D.; and Zach Abernathy, Ph.D.

Start Date

12-4-2019 2:15 PM

End Date

April 2019

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Apr 12th, 2:15 PM Apr 12th, 4:15 PM

Dynamics of an HIV-1 Virotherapy Model

Richardson Ballroom – DiGiorgio Campus Center

In this project, we extend the work done this summer on the dynamics of an HIV-1 virotherapy model. We now consider a model with six equations, disregarding the number of free HIV virions in the system. We establish the existence of disease-free, single-infection, and double-infection equilibrium points. We use Lyapunov functions to determine the global stability of the disease-free and single-infection equilibrium points. We also calculate the basic reproductive ratios for both the HIV virus and recombinant virus. We explore the stability of the double-infection equilibrium point using numerical simulations. We finish with a discussion of the viability of virotherapy as a possible treatment for HIV-1.