Responding to Crises in Health Care and the Criminal Justice System in the African-American Community

Poster Number



College of Arts and Sciences


Political Science

Faculty Mentor

Jennifer Disney, Ph.D.


The mass incarceration of African Americans for what can be deemed petty crimes and unjust criminal procedures needs to be evaluated and approached from a different ideology other than capitalist-democracy. Similarly, the capitalist-democratic approach to healthcare has been a disaster for African Americans. This paper explores whether the ideology of socialism offers important resources for reconsidering the practices of our criminal justice system and our health care system. My paper will examine the history of African-American socialist advocacy in order to clarify the ways in which such approaches can invigorate discussions of how to best improve the lives of African Americans.

Start Date

12-4-2019 2:15 PM

End Date

April 2019

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Apr 12th, 2:15 PM Apr 12th, 4:15 PM

Responding to Crises in Health Care and the Criminal Justice System in the African-American Community

Richardson Ballroom – DiGiorgio Campus Center

The mass incarceration of African Americans for what can be deemed petty crimes and unjust criminal procedures needs to be evaluated and approached from a different ideology other than capitalist-democracy. Similarly, the capitalist-democratic approach to healthcare has been a disaster for African Americans. This paper explores whether the ideology of socialism offers important resources for reconsidering the practices of our criminal justice system and our health care system. My paper will examine the history of African-American socialist advocacy in order to clarify the ways in which such approaches can invigorate discussions of how to best improve the lives of African Americans.