Taxation of E-Commerce in the United States

Poster Number



College of Business Administration


Accounting, Finance & Economics

Faculty Mentor

Laura Ullrich, Ph.D.


E-commerce accounts for nearly a quarter of all retail sales and is projected to quickly increase in the next ten years. For the younger generations, e-commerce is the most popular form of shopping, with over half preferring e-commerce to traditional stores. With the rise of e-commerce, the question of how to best tax these products and services becomes essential. E-commerce has not existed for many years and as such, the taxation laws surrounding e-commerce are all relatively new and adjustments are frequent as the internet is ever changing. E-commerce taxation is made more difficult by the differences in tax laws between the states as well as the differences between the various levels of government. The taxation of e-commerce will always exist, and the solution to these issues lies in implementing tax laws with a balance between fairness and efficiency.

Course Assignment

ECON 495 – Ullrich

Start Date

12-4-2019 2:15 PM

End Date

12-4-2019 4:15 PM

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Apr 12th, 2:15 PM Apr 12th, 4:15 PM

Taxation of E-Commerce in the United States

Richardson Ballroom – DiGiorgio Campus Center

E-commerce accounts for nearly a quarter of all retail sales and is projected to quickly increase in the next ten years. For the younger generations, e-commerce is the most popular form of shopping, with over half preferring e-commerce to traditional stores. With the rise of e-commerce, the question of how to best tax these products and services becomes essential. E-commerce has not existed for many years and as such, the taxation laws surrounding e-commerce are all relatively new and adjustments are frequent as the internet is ever changing. E-commerce taxation is made more difficult by the differences in tax laws between the states as well as the differences between the various levels of government. The taxation of e-commerce will always exist, and the solution to these issues lies in implementing tax laws with a balance between fairness and efficiency.