Locating Mutagen-Sensitivity Gene mus109 in the Drosophila melanogaster Genome Using Deficiency Mapping

Session Title

Biology and Genetics


College of Arts and Sciences




The complex processes involved in repairing damaged DNA are still being elucidated. Some genes that are known to have roles in the DNA repair process have been identified, such as the mutagen-sensitivity genes, or mus genes, in Drosophila melanogaster. However, the precise genomic location of some mus genes is still unknown, including mus109. It is known that mutations in mus109 cause chromosomal aberrations resulting in larval death, and previous research has mapped mus109 to a region of the X chromosome consisting of over 520,000 nucleotides and 41 genes. Therefore, this study aimed to locate mus109 using deficiency mapping. The mus109D2 male flies were crossed to four deficiencies covering the 8F10-9B1 region of the genome, producing four possible classes of offspring. Brood 1 larvae and Brood 2 larvae were treated with H2O and 0.05% MMS, respectively. Offspring were scored for sex and eye phenotype, and these data were used in complementation analysis to narrow the probable genomic location of mus109 to 12% of the original.

Honors Thesis Committee

Kathryn Kohl, Ph.D.; Matthew Stern, Ph.D.; and Laura Glasscock, Ph.D.

Recognized with an Award?

1st Place, Life Science Oral Presentations, SAEOPP McNair/SSS Scholars Research Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2018

Previously Presented/Performed?

SAEOPP McNair/SSS Scholars Research Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2018; SC INBRE Science Symposium, Columbia, South Carolina, August 2018; Black Doctoral Network Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, October 2018; Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 2019

Grant Support?

Supported by a Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program grant from the U.S. Department of Education and by an SC INBRE grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH-NIGMS)

Start Date

12-4-2019 3:00 PM

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Apr 12th, 3:00 PM

Locating Mutagen-Sensitivity Gene mus109 in the Drosophila melanogaster Genome Using Deficiency Mapping

WEST 219

The complex processes involved in repairing damaged DNA are still being elucidated. Some genes that are known to have roles in the DNA repair process have been identified, such as the mutagen-sensitivity genes, or mus genes, in Drosophila melanogaster. However, the precise genomic location of some mus genes is still unknown, including mus109. It is known that mutations in mus109 cause chromosomal aberrations resulting in larval death, and previous research has mapped mus109 to a region of the X chromosome consisting of over 520,000 nucleotides and 41 genes. Therefore, this study aimed to locate mus109 using deficiency mapping. The mus109D2 male flies were crossed to four deficiencies covering the 8F10-9B1 region of the genome, producing four possible classes of offspring. Brood 1 larvae and Brood 2 larvae were treated with H2O and 0.05% MMS, respectively. Offspring were scored for sex and eye phenotype, and these data were used in complementation analysis to narrow the probable genomic location of mus109 to 12% of the original.