They will never be...

Session Title

Global Issues and Terrorism


College of Visual and Performing Arts


Theatre & Dance

Faculty Mentor

Kelly Ozust, M.F.A.


As a future educator, I am alarmed by the normality of school shootings in American society. These tragedies have been increasing over the last decade and have left many in fear that something as simple as sending a child to school may result in a life lost. My choreographic piece seeks to bring awareness to the issue of school shootings to which our society has become numb. This piece was shaped through research on various school shootings that have forever changed American society. My dancers represent the students we have lost by showcasing their lives and the senseless reasons why they are no longer with us today. The voice that you will hear at the end comes from a letter to parents from an elementary school principal on the third anniversary of that shooting. It is a plea for you and I to work and dream for a society where acts of violence such as these have no place. It is also a reminder to love your students and to care for them because in this world that is truly all we can do.

Course Assignment

DANA 442 – Ozust

Previously Presented/Performed?

Senior Choreography Showcase, Winthrop University, December 2018; American College Dance Association, Kennesaw State University, Georgia, March 2019

Start Date

12-4-2019 3:45 PM

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Apr 12th, 3:45 PM

They will never be...

DIGS 114

As a future educator, I am alarmed by the normality of school shootings in American society. These tragedies have been increasing over the last decade and have left many in fear that something as simple as sending a child to school may result in a life lost. My choreographic piece seeks to bring awareness to the issue of school shootings to which our society has become numb. This piece was shaped through research on various school shootings that have forever changed American society. My dancers represent the students we have lost by showcasing their lives and the senseless reasons why they are no longer with us today. The voice that you will hear at the end comes from a letter to parents from an elementary school principal on the third anniversary of that shooting. It is a plea for you and I to work and dream for a society where acts of violence such as these have no place. It is also a reminder to love your students and to care for them because in this world that is truly all we can do.