The Impact of Globalization on American Society

Session Title

Global Issues and Terrorism


College of Arts and Sciences


Interdisciplinary Studies


The topic of twentieth-century globalization since World War II is an interdisciplinary topic that must be thoroughly addressed in secondary social studies classrooms. Too often, students in history classes merely skim over 20th century history after 1945, making few historical connections to modern-day phenomena and failing to appreciate how history since World War II has strongly molded the modern world. Globalization is a broad, diverse topic with some controversy, as it does not always pan out fairly and can benefit some nations while hurting others. This topic of globalization since the latter half of the 20th century is integral to American life and society, as it impacts the jobs individuals have, where their goods are made, and how their respective nations deal with others on an international level. Additionally, this is a topic that must be better explained to American high school students in social studies classes. With this broad, interdisciplinary topic, a research question arises: What is the impact of globalization on American society? This question is important for several reasons. Globalization is the foundation of modern international relations, trade, economics, commerce, and livelihood for billions of people. Globalization explains how interconnected the world has become and how international relations have drastically changed since World War II. Three disciplines that fit this research topic are history, geography, and educational theory. Globalization has had an immense impact on American life since 1945, regarding jobs, trade, livelihood, politics, geography, and goods, and must be thoroughly taught to all social studies students.

Honors Thesis Committee

Ginger Williams, Ph.D.; Margaret Gillikin, Ph.D.; and Bryan McFadden, M.S.

Course Assignment

IDVS 490H – Williams

Start Date

12-4-2019 3:00 PM

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Apr 12th, 3:00 PM

The Impact of Globalization on American Society

DIGS 114

The topic of twentieth-century globalization since World War II is an interdisciplinary topic that must be thoroughly addressed in secondary social studies classrooms. Too often, students in history classes merely skim over 20th century history after 1945, making few historical connections to modern-day phenomena and failing to appreciate how history since World War II has strongly molded the modern world. Globalization is a broad, diverse topic with some controversy, as it does not always pan out fairly and can benefit some nations while hurting others. This topic of globalization since the latter half of the 20th century is integral to American life and society, as it impacts the jobs individuals have, where their goods are made, and how their respective nations deal with others on an international level. Additionally, this is a topic that must be better explained to American high school students in social studies classes. With this broad, interdisciplinary topic, a research question arises: What is the impact of globalization on American society? This question is important for several reasons. Globalization is the foundation of modern international relations, trade, economics, commerce, and livelihood for billions of people. Globalization explains how interconnected the world has become and how international relations have drastically changed since World War II. Three disciplines that fit this research topic are history, geography, and educational theory. Globalization has had an immense impact on American life since 1945, regarding jobs, trade, livelihood, politics, geography, and goods, and must be thoroughly taught to all social studies students.