Juega Word

Session Title



College of Visual and Performing Arts



Faculty Mentor

G. David Brown, M.A.


My thesis focuses on illustrating several cards based on common Spanish idioms and jokes. One side will feature an illustration with the original Spanish phrase, and the back side will provide more information, such as the literal translation, any English equivalents, and interesting facts. These cards would be beneficial for a target audience of students in high school and college who have strong foundations in Spanish and English. The purpose of this project is to increase the metalinguistic, the ability to consciously think about oral and written language and how it is used, a vital skill in language learning. Additionally, as Farough Abed describes in “Visual Puns as Interactive Illustrations: Their Effects on Recognition Memory,” introducing humor into a subject increases classroom engagement and knowledge retention of that subject. Using humor in the classroom lowers the effect filter of the student, which is the invisible, psychological filter that either aids or deters the process of language acquisition. The lower this filter is, the more successful overall understanding is.

Course Assignment

VCOM 487 – Tselentis

Start Date

12-4-2019 3:45 PM

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Apr 12th, 3:45 PM

Juega Word

DIGS 221

My thesis focuses on illustrating several cards based on common Spanish idioms and jokes. One side will feature an illustration with the original Spanish phrase, and the back side will provide more information, such as the literal translation, any English equivalents, and interesting facts. These cards would be beneficial for a target audience of students in high school and college who have strong foundations in Spanish and English. The purpose of this project is to increase the metalinguistic, the ability to consciously think about oral and written language and how it is used, a vital skill in language learning. Additionally, as Farough Abed describes in “Visual Puns as Interactive Illustrations: Their Effects on Recognition Memory,” introducing humor into a subject increases classroom engagement and knowledge retention of that subject. Using humor in the classroom lowers the effect filter of the student, which is the invisible, psychological filter that either aids or deters the process of language acquisition. The lower this filter is, the more successful overall understanding is.