Industry and Growth Impacts on Environmental Quality

Poster Number


Submitting Student(s)

Caroline AveraFollow


College of Business Administration


Accounting, Finance & Economics

Faculty Mentor

Laura Ullrich, Ph.D.


The United States is one of the only major countries to refuse to sign the recent Paris Climate Agreement. This agreement sets out a plan to combat global climate change and take action to slow the changing environment. This paper studies the environmental air quality in the United States in each of the contiguous states. It explores the impacts of population, annual state personal income and employment, number of automobiles, gross domestic product (GDP) by state in dollars, and state taxes on production. Some of these variables are in place to examine the relationship between quality of air and the quality of life.

Course Assignment

ECON 306 – Ullrich

Previously Presented/Performed?

Fourth Annual Showcase of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors (SOURCE), Winthrop University, April 2018

Start Date

20-4-2018 2:15 PM

End Date

20-4-2018 4:15 PM

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Apr 20th, 2:15 PM Apr 20th, 4:15 PM

Industry and Growth Impacts on Environmental Quality

Richardson Ballroom (DIGS)

The United States is one of the only major countries to refuse to sign the recent Paris Climate Agreement. This agreement sets out a plan to combat global climate change and take action to slow the changing environment. This paper studies the environmental air quality in the United States in each of the contiguous states. It explores the impacts of population, annual state personal income and employment, number of automobiles, gross domestic product (GDP) by state in dollars, and state taxes on production. Some of these variables are in place to examine the relationship between quality of air and the quality of life.