A Call for Inclusivity on the Campus of Winthrop University through an Interdisciplinary Approach to Adding Diversity to the ACAD 101 Curriculum


College of Arts and Sciences


Interdisciplinary Studies

Faculty Mentor

Ginger Williams, Ph.D., and Kinyata Adams Brown, M.A.


Any fire can spread quickly, resulting in a large amount of damage. Fire can be used as an analogy to represent the lack of inclusivity on Winthrop University’s campus. That lack of inclusion often results in racial tension and the feeling of isolation for people of color, sexual identity, or interests other than the majority. I believe it is essential for us to recognize that there is an issue here, that our kitchen is, in fact, on fire. The analogy of the kitchen on fire represents the current state of our university because that fire has the potential to expand and “burn down the house,” referring to the status and reputation of Winthrop University. It is my desire to see Winthrop thrive holistically, and I believe that can come to fruition only if we work to put out the fire and improve our inclusiveness. The research I completed observed the current landscape of the ACAD 101 curriculum and how diversity is introduced during the course. I viewed the issue from an interdisciplinary perspective, seeking to find a solution that was most effective. With the assistance of various student-affairs professionals, I was able to sculpt a plan that fosters a sense of inclusion on the campus of Winthrop University by considering the level of exposure, instructor training, and the tactfulness of the curriculum.

Course Assignment

IDVS 490 – Williams

Start Date

20-4-2018 3:45 PM

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Apr 20th, 3:45 PM

A Call for Inclusivity on the Campus of Winthrop University through an Interdisciplinary Approach to Adding Diversity to the ACAD 101 Curriculum

DIGS 222

Any fire can spread quickly, resulting in a large amount of damage. Fire can be used as an analogy to represent the lack of inclusivity on Winthrop University’s campus. That lack of inclusion often results in racial tension and the feeling of isolation for people of color, sexual identity, or interests other than the majority. I believe it is essential for us to recognize that there is an issue here, that our kitchen is, in fact, on fire. The analogy of the kitchen on fire represents the current state of our university because that fire has the potential to expand and “burn down the house,” referring to the status and reputation of Winthrop University. It is my desire to see Winthrop thrive holistically, and I believe that can come to fruition only if we work to put out the fire and improve our inclusiveness. The research I completed observed the current landscape of the ACAD 101 curriculum and how diversity is introduced during the course. I viewed the issue from an interdisciplinary perspective, seeking to find a solution that was most effective. With the assistance of various student-affairs professionals, I was able to sculpt a plan that fosters a sense of inclusion on the campus of Winthrop University by considering the level of exposure, instructor training, and the tactfulness of the curriculum.