

College of Visual and Performing Arts



Faculty Mentor

Jason Tselentis, M.F.A.; G. David Brown, M.A.; and Michelle Soto, M.F.A.


My thesis is designed to inspire people, particularly younger people, to visit South Carolina state parks and experience the outdoors. South Carolina has parks in the mountains and beaches, among other places. Parks provide a wide range of services and activities for little or no cost. However, many people are unaware of the experiences they are missing out on. The majority of frequent park visitors are of retirement age. Occasionally, these visitors will bring their grandkids on the weekends or during the summer, but there is a wide age gap and few adult visitors who do not yet have their own families. I will make a poster series and sticker pack based on outdoor illustrations that will represent my experiences at each of three parks to encourage people to visit and experience these parks themselves. My anticipated audience is teenagers and young adults aged 18 to 35. According to my research, this age group typically is not aware of or connected to the parks. In large part, this target audience is much more connected to technology than previous generations have been and they don’t value time spent outdoors as much as other generations. My designs will be similar to movie and concert posters, which will appeal to their interests and hopefully get them to take notice of South Carolina parks.

Course Assignment

VCOM 486, 487 – Tselentis

Start Date

20-4-2018 3:57 PM

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Apr 20th, 3:57 PM


DIGS 220

My thesis is designed to inspire people, particularly younger people, to visit South Carolina state parks and experience the outdoors. South Carolina has parks in the mountains and beaches, among other places. Parks provide a wide range of services and activities for little or no cost. However, many people are unaware of the experiences they are missing out on. The majority of frequent park visitors are of retirement age. Occasionally, these visitors will bring their grandkids on the weekends or during the summer, but there is a wide age gap and few adult visitors who do not yet have their own families. I will make a poster series and sticker pack based on outdoor illustrations that will represent my experiences at each of three parks to encourage people to visit and experience these parks themselves. My anticipated audience is teenagers and young adults aged 18 to 35. According to my research, this age group typically is not aware of or connected to the parks. In large part, this target audience is much more connected to technology than previous generations have been and they don’t value time spent outdoors as much as other generations. My designs will be similar to movie and concert posters, which will appeal to their interests and hopefully get them to take notice of South Carolina parks.