Interactive Paper Posters


College of Visual and Performing Arts



Faculty Mentor

Jason Tselentis, M.F.A.; G. David Brown, M.A..; and Becca Zerkin, M.F.A.


Children view the smallest pieces of the world as strange, yet unbelievably incredible. I want to spark that feeling of childlike wonder and bring those insignificant wonders back into the adult view by creating an absurd, yet beautiful printed world for users to play in. These interactive posters will use paper mechanics to generate movement and animation on static paper. Paper mechanics can be defined as any three-dimensional or movable part made of paper, such as pop-ups, transformations, pulls tabs, lever systems, and others. Each interactive poster will be a cross between a poster and a toy. Users can manipulate, transform, and play with the scenes by interacting with the paper mechanics. The goal is for the user to enjoy the beauty of the piece, as well as be inspired by playing with the movable parts.

Course Assignment

VCOM 486, 487 – Tselentis

Start Date

20-4-2018 2:45 PM

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Apr 20th, 2:45 PM

Interactive Paper Posters

DIGS 220

Children view the smallest pieces of the world as strange, yet unbelievably incredible. I want to spark that feeling of childlike wonder and bring those insignificant wonders back into the adult view by creating an absurd, yet beautiful printed world for users to play in. These interactive posters will use paper mechanics to generate movement and animation on static paper. Paper mechanics can be defined as any three-dimensional or movable part made of paper, such as pop-ups, transformations, pulls tabs, lever systems, and others. Each interactive poster will be a cross between a poster and a toy. Users can manipulate, transform, and play with the scenes by interacting with the paper mechanics. The goal is for the user to enjoy the beauty of the piece, as well as be inspired by playing with the movable parts.