This is the Thing


College of Arts and Sciences


Daphne Oliver and Serena Connelly, dancers


Theatre & Dance

Faculty Mentor

Meg Schrffen, M.F.A.


My work for the Student Choreography Showcase will be an exploration of misconceptions between two people who are not together physically, but mentally. The human mind can play tricks on us, making us believe things that are not true. Whether it be misconceptions, misunderstandings or anxiety, separation from an important person can take a toll on the mind. I hope to translate this idea with two dancers who will be dancing on stage together, but unable to see each other. I would like a physical barrier on stage that prohibits the dancers from seeing each other. This physical barrier will represent the mental barriers that we create for ourselves. I would like to explore dancing in unison and in contrast to represent the differences and commonalities that two people share. I would also like to explore proximity between dancers and with the barrier. This exploration will represent how we break these barriers while also creating them. I would like to have two dancers to explore an intimate relationship. These two people may be family or friends.

Course Assignment

DANT 301 – Schriffen

Previously Presented/Performed?

Student Choreography Showcase, Winthrop University, April 2018

Start Date

20-4-2018 2:00 PM

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Apr 20th, 2:00 PM

This is the Thing

DIGS 114

My work for the Student Choreography Showcase will be an exploration of misconceptions between two people who are not together physically, but mentally. The human mind can play tricks on us, making us believe things that are not true. Whether it be misconceptions, misunderstandings or anxiety, separation from an important person can take a toll on the mind. I hope to translate this idea with two dancers who will be dancing on stage together, but unable to see each other. I would like a physical barrier on stage that prohibits the dancers from seeing each other. This physical barrier will represent the mental barriers that we create for ourselves. I would like to explore dancing in unison and in contrast to represent the differences and commonalities that two people share. I would also like to explore proximity between dancers and with the barrier. This exploration will represent how we break these barriers while also creating them. I would like to have two dancers to explore an intimate relationship. These two people may be family or friends.