The Possession of Zedaale: A World-Building Project


College of Visual and Performing Arts



Faculty Mentor

Jason Tselentis, M.F.A., and G. David Brown, M.A.


Whether it’s a videogame, a fantastical movie, or a series of novels, the creation and exploration of the world is crucial to establishing the believability of a story. If the world makes sense on its own, the story is more apt to be believed. I will create a collection of images of landscapes, beings, and creatures and combine them into a book to explain a world of my own creation. The book will explore the fantasy world of Srotale about 50 years after it collides with the demon realm, Zedaale. It will explore the conflicting landscapes of Srotale and Zedaale as they’ve merged, as well as a small collection of the beings who exist there, including the 7 princes of Zedaale, the man responsible for the collision of the planes of Zedaale and Srotale, and additional buildings and items that connect to the lore of the world.

Course Assignment

VCOM 486, 487 – Tselentis

Start Date

20-4-2018 1:21 PM

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Apr 20th, 1:21 PM

The Possession of Zedaale: A World-Building Project

DIGS 220

Whether it’s a videogame, a fantastical movie, or a series of novels, the creation and exploration of the world is crucial to establishing the believability of a story. If the world makes sense on its own, the story is more apt to be believed. I will create a collection of images of landscapes, beings, and creatures and combine them into a book to explain a world of my own creation. The book will explore the fantasy world of Srotale about 50 years after it collides with the demon realm, Zedaale. It will explore the conflicting landscapes of Srotale and Zedaale as they’ve merged, as well as a small collection of the beings who exist there, including the 7 princes of Zedaale, the man responsible for the collision of the planes of Zedaale and Srotale, and additional buildings and items that connect to the lore of the world.