Experiences of Hispanic Women Navigating the Healthcare System in Rural South Carolina

Poster Number



College of Arts and Sciences


Social Work

Faculty Mentor

Monique Constance-Huggins, Ph.D.


Hispanics represent one of the fastest growing minority populations in the United States. Yet their health outcomes are among the worse in the nation. Access to care is one of the biggest reasons for their poor health outcomes. While there has been increasing attention on the experiences of Hispanics accessing healthcare, little is known about the specific experiences of women, particularly those in rural communities. This qualitative study attempts to fill this gap by exploring the experiences of eight rural Hispanic women accessing healthcare in rural South Carolina. The study used a semi-structured interview guide. Results showed that rural Hispanic women face an intersection of structural barriers – race, low economic status, and rurality -when accessing healthcare. The intersection of these factors signals the need for targeted programs and policies to address these structural barriers to care for rural Hispanic women.

Course Assignment

SCWK 473 – Constance-Huggins

Previously Presented/Performed?

National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), University of Memphis, April 2017

Start Date

21-4-2017 2:15 PM

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Apr 21st, 2:15 PM

Experiences of Hispanic Women Navigating the Healthcare System in Rural South Carolina

Richardson Ballroom

Hispanics represent one of the fastest growing minority populations in the United States. Yet their health outcomes are among the worse in the nation. Access to care is one of the biggest reasons for their poor health outcomes. While there has been increasing attention on the experiences of Hispanics accessing healthcare, little is known about the specific experiences of women, particularly those in rural communities. This qualitative study attempts to fill this gap by exploring the experiences of eight rural Hispanic women accessing healthcare in rural South Carolina. The study used a semi-structured interview guide. Results showed that rural Hispanic women face an intersection of structural barriers – race, low economic status, and rurality -when accessing healthcare. The intersection of these factors signals the need for targeted programs and policies to address these structural barriers to care for rural Hispanic women.